
Saturday, 4 March 2023

Reading List Year 2022

  [2016] [2017] [2018] [2019] [2020] [2021]

January - December

1.  蝴蝶朵朵 by 幸佳慧
2. 大馬手套製造業四大天王 by 張晉瑋博士,尚月婷,黎漪楠
3. 內在原力:9個設定,活出最好的人生版本 by 愛瑞克
4. 读懂一本书 by 樊登
5. Ragam Budak Sekolah by Cikgu Fadli Salleh
6. Lagi-Lagi Cerita Bilik Guru by Cikgu Fadli Salleh, Cikgu Shahidan Shuib, Cikgu Reyna Ibrahim, Cikgu Firdauz Abdullah & Cikgu Nurain Sabrina 
7. My Awesome Japan Adventure: A Diary About the Best 4 Months Ever! By Rebecca Otowa
8. 我想做一个能在你的丧礼上描述你一生的人2  
9. Mentaliti Jamban by Khairul Abdullah 
10. Cikgu Multipurpose by Amla Mat Rawi 11. 165 Nasihat Guaman Tuan Lawyer by Amar 
12. 股票耕耘: 小资族,存好股,收股息,稳稳赚 by Mr. Havest 收割者 
13. 引導孩子說出內心話:不說教的情商課,讓親子都被好好理解 by 澤爸(魏瑋志) 
14. 人生路引:我從閱讀中練就的28個基本功 by 楊斯棓 
15. 只要30秒,超、超、超僵硬的身體都能放鬆:日本知名物理治療師的神奇伸展操  by OGATORE
16. Smart Investor: Protecting & Growing Your Nest Egg
17. Smart Investor: A New Dawn
18. Smart Investor: Financial Planning in the New Normal
19. Smart Investor: Back To Business
20. Smart Investor: Taking Local Commerce to the World
21. Smart Investor: Retiring Well
22. Smart Investor: Environment, Social and Governance
23. Smart Investor: What’s the Market Outlook for 2022 
24. Smart Investor: Ushering in the New Year
25. 股票分析 投资揭秘 by 黄子伦
26. 星座決定我愛你:用占星和塔羅幫你找到真命天子OR女(但該甩的時候還是要甩掉!)by 天空为限
27. 從畫畫覺察孩子情緒:一幅畫及時發現孩子需求,讓彼此內在連結更緊密 by 賴育立(皮皮老師)
28. 給兒子的18堂商業思維課 by 林明樟&林承勳 
29. 電商經營新模式 by 蔡宗裕
30. 蓋博符號 & 3D裸眼 視力回復訓練書:每次只要30秒,視力就會越來越好!近視、遠視、亂視、老花全部有效 by  George3,鴨下惠子
31.  大马房地产 101 Q&A by Elvis Chai, Jhou Lee & Tony Yap
32. Alpro Physio Book【让我自己来】
33. 占星財富手冊 by 韩良露 
34. 十二宮位:生命格局的十二個舞台 by 韩良露
35. The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau
36. 整復推拿師的眼壓重設術 視力回升0.2 by 清水六觀
37. 影食日记之琳与爸的飨宴日记  
38. Daddy 不見了之後 by    可尼、小豆腐
39. 我的Daddy不見了!by    可尼、小豆腐、豆腐卜
40. Chika cari apa? by Mohd Khairul Azman Ismail
41. Itu suara siapa? by Mohd Khairul Azman Ismail
42. Tok bah suka apa? by Mohd Khairul Azman Ismail
43. Oyen takut apa? by Mohd Khairul Azman Ismail
44. 十分钟,看懂大马政治巨变:走过大马民主转型岁月,从金融风暴到政党轮替  by 潘永强
45. 我们不一样 by 长颈
46. 我,狮子座以及结婚那些事 by 杜韩念
47.Tolong Luluskan Strategi Pinjaman Rumah Yang Anda Belum Tahu by Kenny Lee
48. 冻卵预留卵实力,我的幸福我决定 by 曾婉婷 
49. 內向軟腳蝦的超速行銷:哈佛、國際頂尖期刊實證,不見面、不打電話、不必拜託別人,簡50. 單運用行為科學,只寫一句話也能不著痕跡改變人心 By 川上徹也
51. 仙女老師的有溫度課堂:讓學生不想下課的教學和班級經營心法 by 余懷瑾
52. 欣想事成 ii by 李欣怡
53. Wonder by R. J. Palacio
54. Auggie & Me by R. J. Palacio
55. 365 Days of Wonder: Mr. Browne's Book of Precepts by R. J. Palacio
56. 利他,才是房仲该做的事  by 叶国华
57. 房产销售成功的秘密  by Joyce Yeoh
58. 欣想事成 iii : 电台禁播版 by 李欣怡
59. 那些癌童教會我的事 by 黃雁麗
60. Fish in a tree by Lynda Mullaly
61. 刚刚好的优雅 by 林志玲
62. 涂鸦吧!用视觉模板翻转人生 by 邱奕霖
63. 莉莉安奇幻塔罗教室 by 知心姐姐
64. 真心话,大冒险 by 六月雪
65. 得到,从失去开始 by 李欣怡
66. 日本頂尖知識YouTuber資訊彙整術:蒐集X判讀X表達,連9歲小孩都能聽懂!by 及川幸久
67. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
68. 索马里,我的世界之外 by 许有晖

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Reading List Year 2021

 [2016] [2017] [2018] [2019] [2020]

1. 决战股市终极方案 by 冷眼
2. 法醫才看得到的人體奧祕 by 上野正彥 
3. SOMETHING 做梦是个好运动
4. 零基礎學中醫:第一本把氣血、五行、陰陽視覺化的基礎手冊,自己找病因、醫病順暢溝通、正確養生 by 馬可迅
5. 親愛的世界,你好嗎? 一個5歲小男孩從一枝鉛筆、一張明信片開始的193國環球旅行 by 托比‧里特 
6. 一起旅行 by 林道錦/林真雲
7. 30年股票投资心得(2018修订版)by 冷眼
8. 創富百萬,你可選擇 by 股悦 
9. 塔羅葵花寶典12周年紀念版:從牌義、牌陣到解牌入門 by 向日葵 
10. 同性恋的22堂课 by 欧阳文风
11. 老公,走吧!去打工度假! by 范力信
12. 看中醫,我該怎麼問問題?:中醫不說明或說不清楚的「風、寒、暑、溼、燥、火」症狀,怎麼醫、怎麼吃才有效?by 根本幸夫

13. 零廢棄:不塑、不浪費、不用倒垃圾的美好生活 by 蘇小親 
14. 断舍离 by 山下英子
15. 天国孽子 by 欧阳文风
16. 留韩趣事一箩筐 by 刘玉玲
17. 九流侦探 by 牛小流 
18. 留学德国550天 by 蔡庆晖
19. 追逐美国梦的穷小子 by 蓝子源
20. 史上最強!無毒生活全圖解:食×衣×住×行 一不小心就有毒,不會馬上要人命,慢慢累積就致病! by Health Chosun Magazine(朝鮮健康月刊編輯部)
21. 醫學就會:漫畫基礎中醫 by 懶兔子
22, 說醫不二:懶兔子漫話中醫 by 懶兔子
23. 足療自癒:吳若石神父足部反射健康法 by 吳若石
24.穴道導引:融合莊子、中醫、太極拳、瑜伽的身心放鬆術 by 蔡璧名.

25. 忽然出走的时光 by 吴淡如
26. 深夜甜品店 by 谢智慧
27.《半岛旅摄2》小地方 大节庆 老行业 by 庄家驹
28. 藏在塔羅裡的占卜符碼 by 天空為限

29. Positive Parenting Malaysia: Covid-19 Silver Linings
30. Positive Parenting Malaysia: The Language of Love
31. 打工族股息路-40岁靠股息提早退休,创造自己的百万人生 by 水星熊

32. 愉快的老后 by 保坂隆
33. 大文豪 小鲜肉 by 林韦地
34. 十二星座:行星與星座互動的生命密碼 by 韓良露 
35. 让食物与运动成为你的健康良药 by 吴永志

36. 全马第一本房贷全攻略:申房贷不被拒不悲剧!by 李俊豪
37. 懶人圖解簡報術:把複雜知識變成一看就秒懂的圖解懶人包 by 林長揚
38. 瑞士鐵道旅遊:在生活,藏一座雪山 by 梁國忠 , 郭朝河
39. 靜心・淨心:52周的修煉,一年後與完美的自己相遇 by  洛桑加參
40. 上昇星座:生命地圖的起點 by 韩良露 
41. 我在吉隆坡开民宿的日子 by 林把一 
42. 餐战——赚翻餐厅背后的秘密 by 高俊鸿
43. 咸鱼也能开公司——马来西亚中小企业的点金手法 by 廖翊翃
44. 沒有垃圾的公寓生活:小空間的零廢棄習作 by 尚潔&楊翰選
45.主婦的斜槓人生:律師娘教妳重新定位自己,創造額外收入,打破人生天花板 by 林靜如

46. The Silent Stars Go By by Sally Nicholls
47. Festivals by Wang Xue Wen
48. 視力回復:1天3分鐘眼球運動!日本眼科第一名醫實證,不點藥水!視力從0.3回復到1.0 by 本部千博

49. he Sketchnote Hanbook: The Illustrated Guide to Visual Note Taking by Mike Rohde 
50. 人间值得 by 中村恒子&奥田弘美 
51. 视觉笔记术 by 卢慈维
52. 半小时漫画科学史:从地心说到相对论,半小时读懂人类如何从蒙昧走向理性 by 陈磊及半小时漫画团队
九宮奇門:做決策.卜運勢.看風水.催桃花,人人都可用奇門遁甲助自己心想事成 by 子奇老師 

54. 多尼破鞋传 by 拿督雷智雄
55. 非物质文化遗产在中国 by 中国非遗项目编写组
56. 悠然云水间 by 郑秀兰  
57. 写给癌症病人 by 何国煌 
58. 心灵对话的旅程 by 黄晓红 
59. 占星職場手冊 by 韩良露 
60. 已亮的天空 by 冯以量
61.10天擺脫膝蓋痛:不開刀、不手術!3大鍛鍊操X5大運動法,專業治療師的膝蓋自癒重生計劃 by 高田祐希
62. 簡單豐足:減法養生的52個關鍵字 by  洛桑加參
63. 一人公司的致富思維:從零到百萬訂閱,靠知識變現的成功法則 by 好葉
64. Onion Marketeology by Leow Leik Hong & Weilin Tan
65. 最高學以致用法:讓學習發揮最大成果的輸出大全 by 樺澤紫苑

66.Puteri Hoshiko & Kisah 24 Puteri-puteri Jepun by Salmah Bahari
67. Puteri Nadeera & Kisah 24 Puteri-puteri Parsi by Rahimah Razali
68. Puteri Kim Yung & Kisah 24 Puteri-puteri Korea by Rahimah Razali
69. 德意志制造 by 谢统胜和李蕙蓁
70. Rahsia Bitcoin by Azizi Ali
71. The Revealing Story of Underwear by Katie Daynes
72. 寫作吧!你值得被看見 by  蔡淇華
73. 非藥而癒:一場席捲全球的餐桌革命 by 徐嘉
74. 疯狂艺术家 by 颜俊杰
75. 寫作吧!破解創作天才的心智圖 by 蔡淇華
76. 击破慢性疾病的迷思50问 by  陈欣怡
77. 悲傷只能走過不能跳過:告別事、告別式,師娘呂古萍眼中的人生大事 by 呂古萍
78. The Little Toy Engine & Other Stories 
79. Thea Stilton and The Mountain of Fire 

80. 35歲開始,牙齒決定你的後半生:日本失智症權威親授,活化大腦的護牙術,讓你遠離阿茲海默症、糖尿病和心血管疾病 by 長谷川嘉哉
81. Club CSI: The Case of the Mystery Meat Loaf by David Lewman 
82. Di Simpang Jalan by A. Samad Said
83. 寻找光和爱 by 冯以量
84. 薩提爾的親子情緒課:以愛的對話,陪孩子走過情緒風暴 by 李儀婷

85. 养身良然2- 营养师解谜 by 林冠良 
86. 习惯黑暗 by 黄开修博士
87. 愛爾蘭遊學+歐洲假期:模範人生,我不屑 by 林敏慧 & 梁国忠
88. 先放手,再放心:我從《心經》學到的人生智慧 by 吳若權
89. 不是我人脈廣,只是我對人好:從利己到利他,吳家德的人脈學,幫助你一輩子受用無窮 by 吳家德
90. 蒙特梭利專家親授!教孩子學規矩一點也不難:淡定面對0~6歲孩子的情緒勒索,不用對立也能教出自律又快樂的孩子 by 羅寶鴻
91. 以守为攻,立于不败之地by 李旺星

Just English Magazines
1. Amanda Seyfried
2. Leonardo Dicaprio
3. Robert Downey Jr.
4. Nicole Kidman
5. Jaclyn Victor
6. Anne Hathaway
7. Justin Bieber
8. Roger Federer
9. Steve Jobs
10. Josh Hutcherson
11. Whitney Houston
12. JK Rowling
13. Jude Law
14. ABBA
15. Olivia Wilde
16. Taylor Kitsch 

Friday, 1 October 2021

All About Labuan

At upper floor of Labuan Central Market, you can read some history about Labuan.

*Click the pictures for good view.

Places in Labuan

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Reading List Year 2020

[2016] [2017] [2018] [2019]

1. 吃出天生燒油好體質:根治飲食法,讓你要瘦就瘦,要健康就健康!by 賴宇凡
2. 列车男女 by 牛油小生
3. 导盲犬朵朵 by  晨砚 & 姜翠玲 (绘者)
4. 知食份子 漫步茨厂街 (漫画) by  林金城 & 蔡天发 (绘者)
5. 好好照顾您:台大老年医学专家,教你照护爸妈,不可不知的10大迷思与14项困扰 by  詹鼎正
6. 做个聪明病人
7. 弟子规
8. 素进万家
9. 愛美自己來-300款天然美膚面膜DIY by 陳晶晶
10. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason (Malay Version)
11. 零廢棄的美好生活:每月開支省1萬,垃圾越少越富足! by 呂加零
12. 遇见生机 by 王明勇
13. 其实你没有学会爱自己 by 苏绚慧
14. 鄭鴻標─風馳疾騁的金融良駒
15. 流浪狗,也渴望你疼爱 by 曾毓林,邓世达&林国友
16. 餓死癌細胞的純淨飲食法:抗癌專家教你3階段簡易斷食╳6個月全營養餐,有效抑制腫瘤、淨化毒素、遠離癌症!by 歐陽英
18. Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic

19. 學會「曼陀羅計畫表」, 絕對實現, 你想要的都得到:把白日夢變成真! 「原田目標達成法」讓你滿足人生的渴望 by 原田隆史,柴山健太郎
20. 零雜物裝修術 by Phyllis
21. 淡定的女人最幸福:卡耐基写给女人的幸福箴言 by 戴尔·卡耐基
22. 世说心语1:刘墉处世秘籍 by 刘墉
23. 一瘦就是一輩子 女中醫教你健康瘦身不復胖 by 彭燕婷&彭美婷
24. 一瘦就是一輩子!邱正宏醫師教你「不復胖」減肥法 by 邱正宏
25. Freedom by Lai Seng Choy
26. 超圖解 秒懂英文法:核心概念全圖解,一眼瞬間掌握文法本質 by 田中茂範,弓桁太平
27. 全家便利商店上田顧問的元氣相談室 by 上田準二
28. 不一樣的路 by Victor Leong
29. 家庭医学全书 by 《家庭医学全书》编委会
30. 玩出意志力,梦想变实际 by 吴淡如
31. 摩丝摩丝:你最棒棒哒 by 任雯敏

32. 花踪文汇(13) by 郑德发
33. 大马股市第一堂课(下册)by 李永安&陈剑
34. 命运抽奖 by 谢智慧
35. 房地产心灵激荡 by 谢卓利
36. 父母爆炸前必备!家庭笑能魔法书 by 南台北家扶中心,李威龍
37. 梯階上的寓言 by 张荟甄
38. 当下,把心放下 by  何权峰
39. 110例中外名人成才故事
40. 用女人的方式赢一生 by 吴娟瑜
41. Invest Like A Stock Market Guru: The Complete Value Investing Guide That Works! by KC Chong
42. 我又去旅行了 by 饶康妮
43. 鲸吞亿万(全球简体版):一个大马年轻人,行骗华尔街与好莱坞的真实故事 by Tom Wright, Bradley Hope
44. 五代中醫救命之方:保心臟、斷焦慮、抗血糖、去肝炎,急慢症實證病案大解析 by 張鐘元 & 張維鈞
45. Anekdot & Antidot: Catatan Seorang Doktor Rehabilitasi by DR KAMARUL ARIFFIN
46. 得A1者得天下 by  符策勤
47. Skrub Biru: Kronikel Seorang Doktor Bius by Dr Hana Hadzrami

48. Tengku Noor Zakiah : Malaysia's Pioneering Stockbroker by Tengku Noor Zakiah
49. 五卷書 by 季羨林
50. 黃帝內經 3:曲黎敏談養生 by 曲黎敏
51. 阿贤好食光 - 美食/全职生活/阿贤人情味 by 杨佳贤&许裕全
52. 成就李嘉诚一生的八种能力 by 王志纲
53. 2019 年大马股市股东大会和企业汇报合集(系列一)by RH Research
54. 噢耶,荣兄~主播的幽默日常 - 陈嘉荣系列 by 陈嘉荣
55. 从国际新闻现场到自己的房间——自由业译者不自由? by 谢丽玲
56. 中文,你懂多少?by 杜忠全
57. 中文,知多一点 by 杜忠全
58. 简单的感动:王明勇老师的食乐厨房 by 王明勇
59. 吃的真相——林爱玲食疗达人与您分享营养小故事 by 林爱玲
60. 走路进云南 - 云南深度之旅 by 罗柏念

61. 回不去的家——罗兴亚难民的真实现况 by 张安翔
62. 做自己的芳療師:跟著Nico老師一次弄懂精油、基底油、純露,365個實用配方,111個瘦身、美肌、抒壓、健康、幼兒、居家、貓狗問題的日常對策全有解!by 李淳廉
63. Smart Investor: Branding & Investment
64.简行书 by 阿简(黄丽云)
65. 简笔记——斜杠教师骑行手札 by 阿简(黄丽云)
66. 斗斗与青青深山采药:马来西亚常见药草60种 by 陈利
67. The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me by Ronald Dahl
68. Esio Trot by Ronald Dahl
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84. 海水正蓝 by 张曼娟
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86. 雜談的能力:生活中想遇到好康、工作時想遠離爛事, 你得從不談正事的軟話題開始 by 速溶綜合研究所
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92. Catatan Penglipur Lara Sang Majistret by Zabidi Mohamed
93. How I Co-Founded an NGO: One Vision, One Future by Hannah Kam

94. 砥礪前行,遇見不完美的自己 by 林詠涵
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102. Smart Investor: How to Ride a Market Rebound
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135. 不生病的漢方生活:日本權威醫藥博士,教你輕鬆3步驟!做自己的中醫師,守護全家人健康 by 根本幸夫
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140. 29張當票④:千金不換的人生現場 by 秦嗣林 
141. 我們一家都有「礙」:錯中學的白宮薩提爾正向溝通教養 by 徐小可(許暐翎),阿Ben(白吉勝)

Friday, 24 April 2020

Sandakan Itinerary 2019

26th September 2019 (Thursday)

Labuan >> Menumbok : Ferry ticket RM 2.50 & Depart 8:30am
Menumbok >> Kota KInabalu Sentral (KK Sentral): Menumbok Express RM 18

When in KK Sentral, I bought return ticket with Sipitang Express which cost me RM 18 (Depart 1:30pm).

27th September 2019 (Friday)

Kota Kinabalu >> Sandakan 10:20am-11:05am

Unexpected the flight a bit early reach Sandakan, before 11am. We took Grab to OYO Hotel London. As the room is not yet prepare so, we walked to San Da Gen Kopitiam (opening hour 8am-5pm) for lunch. At there do not have printed menu. The menu written on a black board. Besides main dishes, it also sell some desserts such as UFO tart, avocado cream puff, durian cream puff and egg tart (RM 2.50).

The environment in San Da Gen Kopitiam is so beautiful and suitable for photo taking. At here, you can get Sandakan Heritage Trail map. I ordered traditional laksa (RM 11.90). The presentation is special as has bean curd skin.

If you wish to go Lubuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary Malaysian (Adult RM 15), you can ask more information with staff in San Da Gen Kopitiam as it provide shuttle bus to there. The nearest hotel with San Da Gen Kopitiam is NAK Hotel.

After lunch, we walked to Genting Mas Mall that near with bus stop. Although “Genting Mas Mall” has the word of “Mall” but I feel like it is a supermarket. That time I went, the mall was blackout so I just go around in ground floor.

Out from Genting Mas Mall, we walked to Sandakan Harbour Mall. Besides mall has the big word of “I love (Symbol of heart) Sandakan” that you can take picture. Inside mall did not has many shops; we stopped a while in Popular Book Store.

After came out from Sandakan Harbour Mall, we direct to our hotel. Around 5pm, we started our Sandakan Heritage Trail but chose some place to go by car. It is not advice to start by 5pm, as many temples and museum were close.

As it was still early, so we went to Kim Fung Market that operates 24 hours. My friend bought Chinese Dumplings. In Sandakan must try for seafood bakuteh and the two most popular restaurant are Nam Cha Seafood Bakuteh (Business Hour: 830am-2pm; 6pm-9pm) and Good Taste Restaurant (Business Hour: 8am-2pm; 6pm-9pm). These two restaurant located in same row.

We chose to go Nam Cha Seafood Bakuteh. As we did not know what to eat so the staff recommended us that every dishes come with a small plate for a taste. The vegetable is so special as also in Bakuteh soup. When you ordered single portion of seafood bakuteh, you will get a whole fish inside of bakuteh soup.

After dinner, my friend suggested to Home Garden Café. This café located in front of house. I like the environment of café which surrounding by plants. I ordered a cup of lemon tea with chocolate macaron. The macaron is taste good with chocolate filings.

28th September 2019 (Saturday)

Early in the morning, we went for Sandakan Central Market (near Sandakan Harbour Mall) for breakfast. The 2nd floor of market has Malay food while 3rd floor has Chinese food or non-halal. We straight away to 3rd floor and look for 1940 Fried Pork Kway Teow 家传正宗炸肉大粉 (5am-11am).  This kway teow come with small portion. The meat is nice!

Besides that, I saw online review that the food in stall No.33 also delicious. It has seafood noodles come with prawn and fish cakes. After breakfast, my friend drove us to Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre and Bornean Sun BearConservation Centre.

For lunch, we went to Sim Sim Floating Water Village. We looked for house number 84 (Business Hour: 6:30am-1pm). Inside of house has small restaurant that sell century egg dumplings, fish spring roll, sparingly noodle with fried pork.

After that, we look for number 90. At there has sell some dried seafood that is a good souvenir. I bought some dried food for my mum.

This was my first time to see salted fish hanging on the rack under the sun. 

For dinner, my friend suggested went to 傅贵临门 because many people recommend eating prawn noodle. Besides that, we ate Dongfeng snail, squids and vegetable.

After dinner, we went to Kim Fung Night Market. At there, I bought my first ever UFO tart for try. It goes by the name of UFO tart or Cowdung tart just so because of its cute shape. A true Sandakan dessert, this tart is made up of a thin cake base and with sweet custard and meringue top.

29th September 2019 (Sunday)

Sandakan >> Kota Kinabalu 11:30am-12:20pm

Before went to airport, we were having lunch at Kedai Roti Gold Crown 金冠面包中西饼店 (Business Hour: 8am-5pm). At there has many pastries. We ordered fish soup for breakfast.

Many people come to this shop for UFO tart. I also bought UFO tart that is fresh from oven.

The Sandakan airport is quite small. Inside waiting hall, has a small bookstore that sell many types of illustration book. The flight also early reached KK which on 12pm.

From airport, I took Grab to KK Sentral. This was my first time to use KK Sentral so I not sure where is the place for bus departure. Luckily has kind people to give a direction. When at departure hall, I went down use stairs and wait for bus.

That time around 1pm, the bus was coming and I went inside. As I did not have time for lunch after the flight so I ate inside the bus. After finished eating, the bus depart. I was quite surprised when saw bus depart as the ticket that I bought was depart on 1:30pm.

As beside my seat has an enough seat so the bus stopped at bus stop and one man went into the bus. After that, the bus conductor started checked the ticket.  All the people in bus were holding red color ticket but my ticket was white color.

I wrongly went into the bus!! The bus initially depart on 12:45pm and the bus was late so depart on 1pm. The conductor gave me 2 options, one is go down from bus and another is buy the red color ticket. The red color ticket (Munumbok Express) and white color ticket (Sipitang Express) are not in same company.

Last, I bought a new ticket. When in ferry terminal, I took speedboat (RM 9.70) back. That time seems like want raining and luckily, no raining at the time I reached Labuan.

Future Listing:

  • Mei Mei Restaurant/ Soup Ladies (Business Hour: 6:30am-3pm) : Many choice of soup such as seafood/pork spare parts, goji, salted vegetable, tomyam etc. All come with noodle. When use Grab, plot the place at “Equator Café” and walk to here.
  • Foodcourt Sandakan Futsal
  • Restoran Hung Fatt (Hong Kong Roasted Meat): Opposite Kim Fung Market
  • Kedai Makan Kong Teck (Business Hour: 6:30am-11am& Monday close) –fish noodle & seafood cakes
  • 7 Heaven Desset Partor (Business Hour: 12pm-10:30pm) : Frozen Yogurt Ice-cream
  • Kedai Kopi Fui Chiew (Business Hour: 7am-4pm) : Fried Pork Kway Teow
  • Kedai Kopi Baru Bar Lock Yuen (Business Hour 8am-5pm): Red bean paste bun with kaya & butter
  • Pasar Makan 1.5 Batu: Near Tam Kung Temple
  • Tropical Garden Steamboat

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