
Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Eat In Sibu 2017: Part 2/3

This part is more on dessert and bread.

Hong Cheng Bread House

This shop is popular with its bun. It has some types of buns for you to choose like meat, peanuts, red bean paste and many more. After talking about with friend about this shop, they recommend to try for vegetable bun because different places have included different vegetable into the bun.

iBake 有间面包坊

My friend recommends the cheese tart in this bakery because when you bite it, the liquid of cheese will come out. As I dislike cheese so I did not buy it.  I bought salted egg croissants bun which is taste good with a bit salty.

Lorong Wong King Huo 3,
Sibu 96000
Tel: 084-312 808
Facebook: iBake

Cake Times

My friend recommends the swiss roll in this bakery.

I bought the chocolate flavor.

Cake Times
6, Persiaran Brooke
Sibu, Sarawak
Tel: 0116-872 4432
Facebook: Cake Times


Tanahmas is a grand hotel.  Usually at night, it will have 30% discount for all the slice of cake. The taste of cake is good.

Tanahmas The Sibu Hotel
Lot 277, Block 5, Jalan Kampung Nyabor,
96007 Sibu, Sarawak
Phone: +06 84 333188

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