
Friday, 28 December 2018

Reading List 2018

[2016] [2017]

1. 一期一会的约定:日本三城纪行 by 颜书韵
2. 倾听折翼的小天使 by 阿詹,老黄等
3. Operation Eiffel Tower by Elen Caldecott
4. 新手必學!只用平底鍋,3步驟學會101道日式家常菜:一鍋到底,輕鬆快速搞定少油無負擔、簡單又健康的超好吃料理 by 蔣偉文,潘盟仁
5. 我救回我自己:又瘦又健康!20歲停經女孩的60道自療食譜 by Mia
6.爱上主播台 by 陈嘉荣

7. 佛陀本身故事 (第一集)by 海涛法师
8. 纳棺夫日记 by 青木新门
9.半年前的食物塑造了今天的你 by 村山彩
10. 初衷——18分鐘以外,你不知道的事 by 李红莲
11. 搭飛機上下班的OL: 158cm空姐世界飛行日記 by 李亭瑩
12. 发现大马 by 卓衍豪
13. 30歲起這樣吃,代謝好就不難瘦 by 森拓郎
14. 兒子教曉我的事 by 陳錦鴻
15. 槟城老行业 by 陈永健

16. 不辞职, 去旅行 by 菜菜
17. 「一菜一湯」的健康奇蹟:吃出驚人自癒力!日本食養專家50年不生病的飲食祕訣,過敏、便祕、不孕症、慢性病、手腳冰冷,通通改善!by 若杉友子
18.Little Red Riding Hood Stories Around the World by Jessica Gunderson
19.梦创营 by 蛛宇恒
20.孩子你慢慢來 by 龍應台
21. HealthToday: Mei Sze Her Journey with Cancer
22.  HealthToday: Karen Yap Get to Know One of Our Top Discus Throwers

23. 你的姿勢很有事:生活中最要命的小姿勢,害你的骨頭、肌肉、神經天天在自殘,全身都是又痠又痛又麻的怪病,人生大走鐘!by 三個字 SunGuts
24. HealthToday: Jennifer Lawrence Rise to Superstardom
25. 蔡康永的說話之道2 by 蔡康永
26. HealthToday: The Superman of A New Generation Henry Cavill
27. 這樣吃,最有酵!從增強免疫力、預防三高到抗癌,10大高酵能食物×24道元氣食譜,讓你越吃越健康!by 王明勇
28. Cakar Ayam Seorang Doktor by Dr Fahd Razy
29. HealthToday: Strength, Grace, Beauty of Michelle Yeow
30. Cakar Ayam Seorang Doktor 2.0 by Fahmi Hassan
31. Cakar Ayam Seorang Doktor 3.0 by Various Authors
32. 发现大马 2 by 卓衍豪

33. The Human Body in 30 Seconds by Anna Claybourne
34. Treasure Hunt in Spain by Gomdori Co.
35. Treasure Hunt in Poland by Sweet Factory
36. Treasure Hunt in Czech Republic by Gomdori Co.
37. 健康你好 :10天!排毒綠拿鐵
38. Diet-licious!: Cerita 3 Dietitian by Ruqayyah Muhd; Hakim Zakaria; M.H Nizam
39. Buku Pink: Cerita-cerita Ibu Mengandung by Rosmawati Hamzah,  Norhasidah Abd Razak, Nur Akmal Ismail, Aimi Rahayu, Ainul Arina, Fahd Razy, Muhammad Izzat, Suhaidin Che Ngah , Prof Dr Imelda Balchin
40. 100 Things to know about the human body by Alex Frith, Jonathan Melmoth, Minna Lacey and Matthew Oldham

41. 给身体的情书:原协和医院妇产科副主任医师的行医笔记 by 龚晓明
42. Doktor Tanpa Kot Putih by Dr Fahd Razy
43. 吃對保健食品!:江守山醫師教你聰明吃出真健康 by 江守山
44. 加影自由刑 by 蔡添强
45. 马来西亚Law霸 by 周本兴
46. 把快樂當傳染病【三毛典藏新版】by 三毛
47. Apabila Dietitian Bercerita by Lily Moha & Ruqayyah Muhd
48. 人民首长: 林冠英(漫画传)by 番茄
49. 槟城再旺:从308到2018的改变 (漫画) by 番茄

50. Bukan Doktor Gugel by Various Authors
51. 薩提爾的對話練習:以好奇的姿態,理解你的內在冰山,探索自己,連結他人 by  李崇建
52. 如果可以躺着,谁会想跑?如果可以跑,那就别躺着!by 云镁鑫
53. 郭鶴年自傳 by 口述/郭鶴年 筆錄/Andrew Tanzer 翻譯/蔡芫
54. 法律與感情這些事 by 郑宝鸾

55.“酷”兒魔媽翻转集之 "Everything is OK"  by 许雪翠
56. 國家地理酷科學:人體學了沒:這是一本有血有肉的書!by 丹‧格林
57. 全世界都是我家:一家五口的環遊世界之旅 by  賴啟文& 賴玉婷
58. Dr.小志志圖解健康醫學 by 劉育志 & 白映俞
59. 帶媽媽去旅行Ⅲ:中南美洲我們來了,這次的隊長是老媽!by 太源晙

60. 绘本窗边的小豆豆 by 黑柳彻子

61. Discover Malaysia by Chok Yen Hau
62. 我真的要和他共度此生嗎?:決定交往、結婚、分手前的50個觀察題 by 吴若权
63. 不可思议的因果现象第四集—我为什么相信因果的现象 by 云鹤教授
64. 不可思议的因果现象第五集—人为什么要行善,更要求慧 by云鹤教授
65. HealthToday: Meet Miss Universe Malaysia Jane Teoh

66. 世界第一植化素專家君君老師秘訣大公開.1日5分鐘的排毒奇蹟:每天喝【種子熱穀漿】×【排毒蔬果汁】,5分鐘喝出抗癌力,收錄100道獨創養生飲品 by 郭素君
67. 孤獨的美食家 by 久住昌之
68. 根治飲食帶你遠離慢性病:76種常見慢性病 × 74種老化症狀全面預防療癒對策 by 賴宇凡

70. Body Basics - Bodies by Anita Ganeri
71. Kru dari Langit by Various Authors
72. 世界记忆冠军的魔法书 by 多米尼克·奥布莱恩

Tuesday, 2 October 2018


December 2018

Dear XX ,
Christmas is coming soon, what is your planning?
I write this letter in Theban alphabet which is known as witch alphabet and used to write spells.
Merry Christmas!


February 2019

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Mooncake Festival 2018

23rd September 2018

(Dataran Labuan >> HSBC Bank >> Utama Jaya Supermarket >> RHB Bank >> Milimewah Supermarket >> Mariner Hotel >> Dataran Labuan)

Haiz, most of my photos are so blur, so sad!!!

Around 7.30pm, the Mooncake Festival Parade started. Children can get the lantern and walk together with Parade.

The Mickey and Minnie were so sweet as they hold hand from start until end of Parade.Look like Donald Duck need to learn from Mickey, haha!

Clown also join the Parade. 

This was my first time to see so many cute rabbits.

At last part of Parade, Mickey and friends were lost from Parade and they become the last one to reach. I think because of lots of people want take picture with them.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Lazada 9.9 Festival Sale

Start from today until 9 September 2018, Lazada is having 9.9 Festival Sale. The discount is up to 90% and more than 2,000 vouchers will giving out!

In this post, I will list down 3 products on Lazada that I have always wanted to buy.

I have some travel trips at last quarter of the year so wish to buy a good luggage for travelling. This luggage has 4 ultra-silent wheels that easy for me to move the luggage. This luggage come with 2 sizes (20 inches and 24 inches). The 20 inches luggage can carried on board with weight 2.7kg. Air Asia policy is only allow 7kg luggage be carry on plane. With this 20 inches luggage, I can put my own things up to 4.3kg.

This Luggage set is having 67% discount which can save about RM 273.90.

Although I have a camera, I always want to have an instant camera. I wish to stick the travel photo on a blank postcard and send to my friends instead of buy some typical postcard in shop. The Sakura camera bag is so beautiful and no one will know that you are bring a camera.

This instant camera is having 47% discount which can save about RM 180.00.

Gold is good for investment because the price is keep increasing for current market. It is worth to buy for collect and sell in the future. This gold has pictures of KLCC that add value to the gold.

Let have a great shopping in Lazada! 

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Althea Malaysia: Beauty Products Ship from Korea [Included Link of 20% off for First Order]

Althea is number one digital destination for all things K-beauty such as shopping, lifestyle and trends. In Althea, you can find many Korea beauty products ranging from skincare to haircare and many more. With just some few clicks, you can get the beauty products which direct ship from Korea.

The best thing is Althea Malaysia offer FREE International delivery for all orders above RM99. The delivery time from Korea take around 10-15 days after you order. Besides that, all products sell are 100% authentic so you will not buy fake products through Althea Malaysia.

Recently I had done my first purchase with Althea Malaysia. I bought some masks as it is quite cheap (RM 1.80 per piece) and the ingredients of mask is low in risk (No synthesis fragrance) so suitable for daily use too.

Althea Malaysia also have Rewards Points for every amount you spend. It is a non-cashable store credits are redeemable towards future purchases with Althea.

During your FIRST order, you can get 20% discount off by using this link. (If you did not use this link, Althea Malaysia only offer 15% as welcome gift)

Althea Malaysia
Facebook: Althea Malaysia
Instagram: Althea Korea

Saturday, 9 June 2018

Registered Investment Consultant

Q: I am interested to do some investment such as unit trust. Does the person who will be my consultant is authorized?

A: Go to Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FIMM) to search for it.

Look for “Quick Tools” section and click “Is My Consultant Authorised?

At here, you just key in the full name or IC number of your consultant to search for it.

Friday, 8 June 2018

Amazin’Graze: New Customer get RM15 off for First Order

Amazin’Graze offer healthy snack such as granola, nuts, superfood and nut butters. You can take a look of its website at here.

For new customer, you can sign up in this link (Referral Link) in order to get RM15 off for your first order (minimum purchase RM50).

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Places in Lawas 2018

Medan Niaga Lawas

It is near with Pasar Besar Lawas. I went to there on Saturday. It has lots of vegetable and fruits for sell such as green color eggplant, red color corn, snake fruit and many more.

I attracted by a kuih called “Wajid Beras Jawa” and bought for try. It is sweet in taste. Wajid means sticky rice in palm sugar and wrap by pandan leaves.

Chinese Temple

Post office is at the same row with Chinese temple.

Pertubuhan Membina Akhlak Che Wu Khor

It is located at the upstairs of Hang Out Café and beside Chinese temple.


I found a white buffalo statue in Lawas while another statue seems like deer or donkey?

Lawas Supermarket & Hardware Sdn Bhd

In Lawas cannot find any shopping mall but has some supermarkets.

Sport Complex Lawas

I attended a dinner banquet in here.

Small Garden

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