
Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Wordless Wednesday: 4 in 1 Postcard

'Wordless Wednesday: Postcard' is recording all the postcards that I had bought from time to time for exchange purpose.

These 4 single postcards can be combining into an art work which is very cool. This is doodle types postcard.

4 in 1 postcard

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Angpow Packet from New Friend 2014

Chinese New Year had been passed more than ½ years; I did not expect that I will receive some angpow packet from new friends. 

The story begins with a new friends request from Facebook. As that person is not my friend so I had saw her profile and knew that she is a coin, postcard, stamps collector then I be friend with she as we have same hobby.  

After that, I received her “Nice to meet you” message then I tried to ask her that where she found my profile as I have no idea with it and we did not have mutual friends. Then, she told me that she found through a Facebook page as I had been comment in that page before.

We had chat with each other and through the chatting, she knew that I am angpow collector then she said that she want to give me some angpow packet. The relationship between people can be so amazing that through chatting and without meet with other before, she was so kind that send me some angpow packets for my collection.

6th August 2014

I had received the angpow packets from TPY. From the angpow packets, I was so happy to receive Ah Huat angpow packet which is so cute. The Ah Huat angpow packet is a complete series of it.

Besides Ah Huat angpow, I also received other brand of angpow.

Before Mooncake Festival, in an Angpow FB Group has a quiz. For the first person who answers it correct can get Akira brand of angpow packets. As I did not have Akira brand angpow so I tried my best to answer it and finally I won it.

5th September 2014

I had received Akira angpow packets safety. The stamp on envelope was so unique that has printed Malaysia coin stamp on it.  

Akira angpow packet

Monday, 27 October 2014

Drawing Postcard: Silver Travel X Life & Yue Er

On August 2014, I had purchased some drawing postcards that I kept for myself as my collection because all of these were so pretty that I reluctant for exchange. The postcards that I purchased came from two artists which are Silver Yang and Yue Er.

Silver Yang has a Facebook page named “Travel X Life” that she will sharing her life and her hand drawing. She is a Taiwanese that married to Malaysian husband so usually she will stay in Malaysia and Taiwan for some period.

Usually the set of Silver’s postcard will come with hemp rope on it due to she need to post them to me so she did not tie up the postcard as she scared that the bow will press to the postcard.

For those who interested to see the postcards that I purchased from Silver can click the link as below which I had been posted in Wordless Wednesday before.

Back side of postcard
For those who interested to buy postcard from Silver can click here to know more regarding how to purchase. Her postcards can be purchase via online and offline (some places in Malaysia and Taiwan).

From Silver’s Fan page, I knew that Yue Er’s postcard will be selling by she in Lotta Café so I also purchase Yue Er’s postcard from Silver. 

Yue Er has a Facebook page “Fishy in the House”. She is a writer and she also like to draw some cute illustration.

For those who wish to see the postcards of Yue Er can click for this post “Wordless Wednesday: Hand Drawing Postcard by Yue Er”.

Each set of postcard by Yue Er put into a half open plastic sheet that she draw a cat on the plastic sheet herself.

At the back of plastic sheet also has her drawing too. I love her drawing very much.

Besides postcard, each set come with a picture that I think taken by her.

Back side of postcard

Friday, 24 October 2014

Krabi International Airport

03 July 2014 (Thursday)
1.15 p.m. – 1.40 a.m. Kuala Lumpur >> Krabi (Flight AK868)

In flight, I had talked with a China girl who sit near with me and she travel alone to Krabi as she been here before this. She was so generous that offer me a simcard that she took for free at Chiang Mai airport. As my simcard is in small size so I declined and thanks for her offer.

When flight arrived, it has an airport bus to take us from flight to airport. It was my first time to experience it.  

Shuttle Bus & Taxi services
When in airport, we were keep searching for resort staff that will hold a name board. Finally we had found the staff but we cannot direct go to resort as he needed to wait for another 2 guests. During the waiting time, we go around and take picture.

Place for massage
Krabi International Airport (KBV) is located about 15km from Krabi city.  In airport has shuttle bus and taxi counter. I even saw beautiful places for massage. At there has money exchange counter but whether the exchange rate is good or not, I did not know as I did not look for its currency. After 2 guests were arrived, all of us went into a bus which will take us to Ananta Burin Resort

Hotel staff wait for another 2 guests before take us to resort
Mini van to resort
Krabi bus

05 July 2014 (Saturday)

10.50 a.m. – 12.05 p.m. Krabi >> Bangkok (Flight FD3230)

After having breakfast at The Buddy Restaurant, resort staff had took us to airport. In airport, we had spotted some shops so we shop around. At there, I had brought some stamps for Bangkok use. Near with the shop has a mail box. 

Mail Box
At here, I buy some stamps for Bangkok use
Shops in Airport
As in Krabi, we did not have any opportunity to Krabi Town due to time limitation. In airport we had spotted a Giant Crab monument picture (landmark located in Krabi Town) on the automatic door so we took a picture with it as memory. As it is an automatic door so we cannot cross the line in order to take a picture. If not, the door will be open so we cannot take the picture of crab. 

In waiting hall, one of my friends had asked that why we did not been check for passport. After think twice, we knew that we are taking domestic flight (Krabi to Bangkok) so we did not need to show our passport. My friend had bought a gelatin ice cream during waiting for flight.

Waiting hall

During the flight, I had read Air Asia Magazine which is Bangkok copy that also included Thai Language. I had attracted with its introduction of Nakhon Phanom so I had took picture of the article. At the end of this post, I typed whole article for my future reference which in Chinese language. 

Krabi International Airport
Nuea Khlong, Krabi
81130 Thailand.

Nakhon Phanom (那衣帕农府-东北)


A. 参拜星期守护佛

Phra That Mahachai 佛塔 (守护星期三白天出生的人)
位于Kositaram, Pla Pak县。 佛塔里面有佛陀舍利和阿诺憍陈如舍利,而且在这里面还有着全国最大的木刻平定佛祖。
据说在星期三白天出生者参拜Phra That Mahachai佛塔,获得很好的诚信,不管跟谁交易就会有良好的沟通,每一个人都相信你说的话。

Phra That Manuka Nakhan佛塔 (守护星期三晚上出生的人)
星期三晚上出生者参拜Phra That Manuka Nakhan佛塔将会为你带来财富,安居乐业,和平幸福。

Phra That Prasit佛塔 (守护星期四出生的人)
位于 Na Wa 县。佛塔里面有佛陀胸部舍利子,还有阿罗汉舍利子。
星期四出生者参拜Phra That Prasit佛塔将会让你工作顺利,成就突出,事业运满满。

Phra That Tha Uthen佛塔 (守护星期五出生的人)
位于Tha Uthen县。佛塔里面有佛陀舍利子,其舍利子是从缅甸带来的,还有佛像。
星期五出生者参拜Phra That Tha Uthen佛塔将会带来幸福和繁荣,地位高出众人。

Phra That Nakhon佛塔 (守护星期六出生的人)
位于Mahathat寺,直辖县。Phra That Nakhon佛塔 Phra That Phanom的模型参考建造而成,里面有阿罗汉舍利子以及黄金佛像。
星期六出生者参拜Phra That Nakhon佛塔将会为你带来福禄,出人头地。

Phra That Phanom佛塔 (守护星期日出生的人)
高大的佛塔,是那衣帕农府的城标,甚至有一句话说:“到那衣帕农府不参拜Phra That Phanom佛塔就等于没有到过那衣帕农”。Phra That Phanom佛塔也是属猴的人对应的佛塔噢!
星期日出生者参拜Phra That Phanom佛塔将会令众人心生信服,恭敬。是权威的象征。

Phra That Renu佛塔 (守护星期一出生的人)
位于Renu县,以旧的  Phra That Phanom的的模型参考建造而成。佛塔里面有 Pra-OngSaen,黄金佛像坐像, 辽国艺术,是那衣帕农人民心中重要的佛像。
星期一出生者参拜Phra That Renu佛塔将会令你身体庄严漂亮,皮肤光滑亮泽。

Phra That Srikhun佛塔 (守护星期二出生的人)
位于Phra That Srikhun 寺,Na Kae县。佛塔里面有目犍连尊者与舍利弗尊者之舍利子。
星期二出生者参拜Phra That Srikhun佛塔将会令你的战斗力更强。

B. 那衣帕农府轻松看风景
建议你提自行车或搭乘Skylab.Skylab是外形很特别的一种嘟嘟车,哪里都停着等待客人,非常方便。推荐Soonthornvichit,沿着湄公河边行驶,欣赏两边的大树林,观赏殖民地风格的居住建筑。公路会一直通到省长老住处博物馆 (Former Provincial Governor’s Residence),建筑在印度支那战争时代受到法国的影响,现今成为了博物馆,展示此湄公河边城市的历史。另外,博物馆还会展示放花灯火船庆典活动(LaiRuaFai Festival)的资料,那是那衣帕农最重要的传统节庆。

接下来我们将前往Nak Bun Anna Nong Saeng教堂,这所天主教堂是哥特式建筑风格盛行时期的顶尖之作,是宗教文化多样汇聚的典型代表。由于它在湄公河优越的地理位置和唯美的建筑外观,让这里成为了那衣帕农以及周边区域的最佳婚纱拍照地点。参观完Nak Bun Anna Nong Saeng教堂之后,接下来我们将前往胡志明府,胡志明府的所在地是一个非常古老的小村,也是以前越南总统府的所在地。府邸里保存着大量的复原物品,包括各式各样的当时家具以及前总体的传记和图片等珍贵的材料。

沿着古老的城市街道,一路欣赏着民俗建筑和风景,我们将来到Soonthornvichit步行街,也将迎来夜晚的来临。可以选择在这里小憩, 简单的购物或者享受一下美食,在夜晚舒适的空气中,来一场边走边爱的徒步。继续往前,我们将会看到胡志明纪念钟塔。这里为什么会有这样的钟塔呢,那是因为越南人民当时迁移于此,于是便在此建造他们自己家乡风格的许多建筑,当1960年越南人民离开之后,这里借变成了一处纪念馆, 供游人们参观和 拍照。

C. 当地的美味佳肴
推荐Sabaidee @ Nakhonphanom, 在这里你可以找到几乎所有东南亚风味的菜系, 值得推荐的菜肴当属黑胡椒丝尾鱯,巨鲶火锅,大蒜鲇鱼和越南春卷,最值得推荐的是湄公河鱼,它不是每个季节都可以吃得到,味道非常的特别。

Ali Blah Blah Bistro 是一家位于湄公河沿岸的咖啡馆,所有来过这里的游客都会沉醉于它那极具特色的装饰和充满休闲气息的氛围。记得一定要尝一尝Chocolate Banana Crème Brulee,一定不让你失望。

Sukkho Samosorn小餐馆位于步行街附近,特别推荐的是潜水猪,欢乐鸡脚,欢乐骨牌,绝对是少有的美味。

那衣帕农特色早餐美食,Tom Sen (面线汤)和   Kai Krata (越南煎蛋),对于游客来说,都应该尝一尝这两个越南风味十足的美味。特别要推荐的Phomtep,这是一家历史悠久的老店。

那衣帕农特色的点心是Kalamae,这是一种传统的糖果,也是那衣帕农特色小吃的典型代表。  Thoonjai是当地第一家制作  Kalamae的店铺。其次是  Rianthong mooyor店的特色猪肉脯,独特的食材和配料选择,让所有的游客都会大饱口福。

摘自 Travel 3Sixty Thailand

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Pigeon Postcard Malaysia

I found out that mostly postcard can be find at stationery shop or post office in Malaysia while the online selling is not so many. From now on, I will share where can buy postcards via online that I know and put all those posts into a new corner which is “Postcard Store Corner”.

In this post, I will share a postcard online store which is “Pigeon Postcard Malaysia” that discover by me at the advertisement of Postcrossing.

Pigeon like many other postcrossers in Postcrossing, likes to collect postcards. Through Postcrossing, she discovers the happiness of sending a postcard is at least as great as receiving. Due to the limited design of postcards in Malaysia, and to provide Malaysian postcrossers an online platform to purchase postcards, Pigeon Postcard has been registered as a new company with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia – Pigeon Postcard

21 June 2014

After knowing Pigeon Postcard is an online store for postcard, I had ordered some postcard from Pigeon Postcard via email and noticed that the items will be dispatched from 11th August 2014. As I did not need these series of postcards urgently so I can wait for it.

Order the postcards from Pigeon Postcard can be done by dropping it a message or email them.

The reason that made me buy postcard from Pigeon Postcard is at there can find Malaysian postcards such as flag of Malaysia, Malaysia food and so on. Besides that, by purchasing more than 2 sets of postcards can enjoy free shipping through standard mail or purchase more than 5 sets to enjoy free shipping through Pos Laju. I had ordered each National collection and Food collection of postcards for 4 sets.

*At first, Pigeon Postcard did offer free shipping through Pos Ekspres but due to the new regulation from Pos Malaysia, they cannot send the items using Pos Ekspres anymore.

11 August 2014

I had received an email that my items had been posted with Pos Ekspres with the tracking number.

13 August 2014

I received email from Pigeon Postcard again as they informed me that due to new regulations Pos Ekspres cannot carry their products so they need to send the parcel by using Pos Laju and in the email also included Pos Laju’s tracking number.

16 August 2014

Finally I had received the parcel from Pigeon Postcard. All the postcards had been packaging nicely as all my postcards are in good condition.

Each collection of postcards has 5 designs with 10 copies. The quality for the postcard is good and thick.

Besides my own ordered postcard, Pigeon postcard had gave me few pieces of postcard as freebies and cash vouchers of RM 7 as complimentary gift for being their first batch of customers.

To view clearly the picture for the postcards, I had scanned them and post in my blog as Wordless Wednesday which you can click into the collection below to see it:-

As I did not buy for animal and mixed collection so I just get 2 designs each of those collections as freebies from Pigeon Postcard. To see the whole collection can click here to see more.

Last, I hope that Pigeon Postcard can produce more Malaysia postcards so that many people can get to know more about Malaysia. It would be awesome if they can write some description at the back of each postcard in future.

*Due to living in Malaysia intermittently, Pigeon Postcard’s operation will pause from time to time.