
Monday, 27 October 2014

Drawing Postcard: Silver Travel X Life & Yue Er

On August 2014, I had purchased some drawing postcards that I kept for myself as my collection because all of these were so pretty that I reluctant for exchange. The postcards that I purchased came from two artists which are Silver Yang and Yue Er.

Silver Yang has a Facebook page named “Travel X Life” that she will sharing her life and her hand drawing. She is a Taiwanese that married to Malaysian husband so usually she will stay in Malaysia and Taiwan for some period.

Usually the set of Silver’s postcard will come with hemp rope on it due to she need to post them to me so she did not tie up the postcard as she scared that the bow will press to the postcard.

For those who interested to see the postcards that I purchased from Silver can click the link as below which I had been posted in Wordless Wednesday before.

Back side of postcard
For those who interested to buy postcard from Silver can click here to know more regarding how to purchase. Her postcards can be purchase via online and offline (some places in Malaysia and Taiwan).

From Silver’s Fan page, I knew that Yue Er’s postcard will be selling by she in Lotta CafĂ© so I also purchase Yue Er’s postcard from Silver. 

Yue Er has a Facebook page “Fishy in the House”. She is a writer and she also like to draw some cute illustration.

For those who wish to see the postcards of Yue Er can click for this post “Wordless Wednesday: Hand Drawing Postcard by Yue Er”.

Each set of postcard by Yue Er put into a half open plastic sheet that she draw a cat on the plastic sheet herself.

At the back of plastic sheet also has her drawing too. I love her drawing very much.

Besides postcard, each set come with a picture that I think taken by her.

Back side of postcard


  1. Postcards are awesome!! Too bad I can't buy them since I can't understand the website!!! LOL!!!

    Nurul (newrule @ postcrossing)

    1. Nurul,

      You can try PM the page ( so that she can explain to you.


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