
Sunday, 1 September 2013

2013-08 Favorite Postcards Received (Part 1)

In this month, it was great as beside received postcards from Postcrossing as usual, I also received postcards from Starring You, 柚見月圓-寶哥鶴岡文旦 and Chinese Blogger, Valyn.

It was my first times to receive a postcard with rectangle shape. It is a view of Dom & Rathaus, Markt and Karlsbrunnen. Alexander was so creative that make me have a different reading experience that I need to turn around the postcard to read the message.

This cute shaped postcard sent by Esa from Finland. Esa said that he is an old man but I think that Esa is an old man with a child heart. I like the words that write by Esa which is so meaningful.

Remember always; Love often, Laugh much, Live well.
Laugh and Smile, it don’t take any time or money.
But it gives a lot.

This postcard sent from Valyn during her trip to Boracay Island, Philippines. The beach in Boracay Island is so beautiful and white as you can see through postcard. The sand of beach that make some art or words which is so beautiful.

As Mooncake festival was coming soon during September, I had received a postcard with a drawing of pomelo tree and this postcard made me want to eat pomelo, a type of juicy fruit.

This is a sweet postcard as it shows a picture of an old man holding his wife’s hand. Just wonder that what things that catch an attention from them to look to. I think maybe they sigh about times flies that the place had been change a lot.

This postcard I receive through the Fanpage of Starring You. You also can receive a postcard from there too. Just visit Starring You for more information.

Wasn’t it great to receive handwritten postcards from the mailman? Write us your address in a private message and we’ll send you an old school postcard from one of the amazing places we’ll visit around the world – Starring You

~ Continued with Part 2 ~

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