
Friday, 30 August 2013

Kota Kinabalu >> Menumbok: Bus Express

After arrived in Kota Kinabalu by flight, we choose to use bus express instead of ferry express to back Labuan because of the ferry express had been cancel for the afternoon trip.  

Borneo Express ticket RM18.00
Problem 1:
At the time we brought the ticket, the ticket showed the number plate of bus which is 3377. As the bus will departure at 12.30 pm so we had wait for the bus since 12.00 pm to avoid miss out the bus. Around 12.20 pm, we still did not saw the bus with number plate 3377 so my dad went to counter for some inquiry.

The answer that we get was the bus with number plate 3377 had been broken so the replacement bus will be bus with number plate 6767 (you can see from the ticket that number 3377 had been cross by the staff during my dad inquiry).

Reminder: When the bus that you wait still did not arrive before the exact time, try to ask from the counter to know more details about it. As if has any replacement bus, you will not know it unless you ask through counter (Bus company will not do any announcement for it unless you ask via counter).

Seats in bus
Problem 2:
Before this trip, I had met with the matter of sat at wrong bus as I just focus on the number of the bus (exp. 3377) and ignore with the state code (exp. SAA) because the bus company may have two buses with same number but with different state code. The normal number plate is like SAA 3377.

Reminder: Before go in to bus make sure the whole number plate of the bus perfectly matches with the bus ticket (Sometimes the ticket did not show the state code so just follow the number plate of bus).

The bus has air-conditioning with number seat. Sometimes, the bus driver will play the movie for entertainment purpose but this time the TV was off. As the time in bus I was so tired so I felt asleep on bus during the trip until the bus stopped in front of stalls.

This was my first times to meet with the bus which stoped at the stalls along the way to Menumbok. When the bus stopped for a while, many people came out from bus and brought some food and drinks for eat in bus. Around 3.30 pm, the bus safety arrived at Terminal Ferry Menumbok. 


  1. 谢谢你来我家做客,呵呵。


    1. Phoebian,



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