
Tuesday, 3 September 2013

HiShop August Beauty Box

On 29 August 2013, I had received an email from HiShop to tell me that I had been selected to review the HiShop August Beauty Box and the parcel just shipped out via Pos Laju. After reading this email, I estimated that the parcel will arrive at my doorstep on 2 September as 31 August was public holiday for National Day and normally Pos Laju takes 2 days to send the parcel for me (East Malaysia).

On 30 August 2013, I was so surprise when I saw the HiShop box at my room as my mom helped me to receive and open the parcel. I was so impressed with the delivery services of HiShop and Pos Laju.

In HiShop August Beauty Box, I had received 4 beauty products for me to try which as below:-

The packaging of this serum complex looks pink and lovely.

This mask is different with the mask that I used before because it has separate the mask with the essential.

This essential oil has strong smell of tea tree which suitable for acne skin and many uses.  

Only 2 steps to get rid of blackhead on nose.

My full review for above products will post soon in separate post and will be explaining more details for each beauty products. At last, share with you an interesting fact that I get from HiShop.

Did you know?
Nestle owns a quarter of the world’s largest cosmetic company, L’Oreal.

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  1. wow ! this is very informative :) thank you for posting this.. il go to malaysia soon.. i want to try these products too :)

    1. Erica,

      Welcome to Malaysia! You also can buy those beauty products through HiShop as they also offer International delivery :)


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