
Saturday, 29 November 2014

My Mushroom Postcard

Before talked about my mushroom postcard, I will talk about my inspiration first.


My inspirations come from Bear Ingrid as she (I think she is a girl) has drawn some mini art with Taiwan coins; it was so pretty that you can click here to view her artwork. Besides that, I also knew that Lorraine Loots also had drawn postcards for ants which she is creating a miniature painting every single day.

As I did not expert as those artists so I did not using water color painting while using color pencils with color pens and using Malaysia 50 cents coins rather than 5 cents coins as for me the value of coins below 50 cents are too small so I try for big coins first.

This snail postcard that I received in August also is one of my inspirations as I just knew that snail also can have many characters especially on their shell so I must think outside of the box in order to draw something.

My Mushroom Postcard

First draw the circles by using 50 cents on the blank postcard first.

The reason I choose to draw mushroom as I think that mushroom is easy to draw while mushroom also can has many designs too. 


I am using pencils to draw first and followed by black pen.

While after coloring the mushroom, I will start to color the circle in mushroom by using color pencils.

After finished all the coloring, it’s time to erase all the circles that had been drawn.

It was done!

My drawing postcard is not so beautiful but I very satisfied with my work. The things that need to improve in future will be when draw with pencils, just draw in light so that when I draw in mistake, the postcard will not have pencil’s mark.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Ananta Burin Resort: The Buddy Restaurant

The Buddy Restaurant is an open air restaurant. It is open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our hotel package was included free breakfast so in these 2 days, we were having breakfast in this restaurant with breakfast coupon. The breakfast starts at 7 a.m. and in buffet style.

In these 2 days, this restaurant did provide different food for us to eat so don’t worry will get bored about the food. Example fried rice and toast in first day while steam rice and waffle in the next day. 

In here, you can enjoy Thai food for breakfast such as Basil Chicken that Basil is a plant that looks like peppermint. You also can request egg for different cook by pay for 50 baht.

My breakfast
My breakfast
In first day of breakfast, we did experience blackout and luckily that this restaurant is open area so we still can enjoy breakfast with sun light. If not, we need to have candle breakfast. Haha..

During these 2 days breakfast, I like with its salad sauce that make the food so delicious and I had retake this salad for few times.

Salad area
My salad
The fresh fruit is the hot sale as they are very fast to be finish but don’t worry as staff will refill it as soon as possible.

Fruits area
 You can bake some bread by yourself.

Bread Corner
Drinks corner
Drinks corner

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Random Updates: Agro Day 2014

12 October 2014

At Dataran Merdeka, it has lots of people and booths so my family and I planned to take a look.

As raining before, the field was wet so on the field has some pieces of plank as a temporary road to prevent your shoe or slipper wet. I cannot concentrate with the things that selling by booth when walked on the plank as I need to take care for my footstep and sometimes I need to let other people from other direction walked first.

At that bazaar, the most attractive will be bird and little chicken. It has parrot and a white bird. I was so difficult to take a picture of white bird because it did not want me to take its picture. Haha..

The little chickens are so cute as it has different colors such as red, green, blue and so on. Each little chicken cost RM 5.00.

Besides bird, it also has small exhibition of bird nest. 

It has plant exhibition.

I had seen some small turtles happily swimming in an aquarium. 

At there also has lots of small exhibition such as fruits exhibition, homemade art and many more. Due to so many people and lack of time so I did not spend too much times in those exhibitions to know more about it.

Besides exhibition, it also has bazaar that selling fruits and food. Many people were buying durian because it was very cheap that RM 5/1kg. 

More pictures can view at Facebook page of Jabatan Pertanian Labuan.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre- Sandakan,Sabah

'Wordless Wednesday: Postcard' is recording all the postcards that I had brought from time to time for exchange purpose.

If you have chance travel to Sandakan, remember go to Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre as it is one of the biggest and most well known Orang Utan sanctuaries in Malaysia. When in Primary School, I had went there before. 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Souvenirs From Melaka, Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Kudat

During January 2014, my sisters had gone to Melaka, Penang and Kuala Lumpur for holiday with her friends.  She had bought me some souvenirs.

This is a chicken floss biscuit that bought from Penang. The biscuit is so delicious.

This is popcorn that has a cheese flavor. At first, I thought that it will has a strong cheese taste but after eat, the taste of cheese is not so strong and yummy that has a little bit of salty.

In Kuala Lumpur, my sister managed went to Doraemon Expo so she had bought some keychain as souvenir. I had chosen the keychain of Doraemon with Dorayaki.

In Melaka, My sister also brought some keychain as souvenir.

I like this Penang keychain very much as it feature all the street art in Penang. Hope that I can go to Penang soon to search for street art.

My sister knows that I am postcard collector so she bought a Melaka postcard for me. At first, she plan to send out the postcard from Melaka but her friend advise she that directly bring back the postcard for me as it would be faster than using post service.

Besides postcard, I also collect angpow so my sister had given me some angpows that she received from purchase of popcorn and in shopping mall.

This is a 2014 calendar that my sister took in Petrosains.

Last is the souvenir that bought by my sister during her trips to Kudat as she had been gone to bee farm and gong production. Kudat is tip of Borneo so I also hope that in future I can go there to take a look.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Shopping Experience with

I was seldom purchase book through online as it is not worth as the postage quite expensive (books are quite heavy). I will consider buying books if it has FREE postage.

29th May 2014

When surfing internet, I was accidentally saw that MPH Click had posted about having 15th anniversary so it had Red Hot Sale that has sale up to 50% and FREE delivery nationwide.

After knew about the sale, I went to to see what book having sale. I had seen that author, Wang Pei Ting’s book having sale so I want to buy it to read as I always follow her blog and Facebook Fanpage.

As spending above RM 50, I can enjoy free shipping so in order to buy the Wang author’s book; I need to buy another book so that I can having free postage. I spend some times to find the book and last I had chosen to buy Paper Cut book as I think that I may be able to use it on my postcard.

As I did not register as member before so I need to create an account. Before create the account, I had saw that for the new sign up member can enjoy 20% for all normal price books with free delivery while the promo code will send to email.

I planned to use 20% discount to buy for these 2 books as the New Sign Up Promo only can used for first purchase. After register it, I had get the promo code so I use it for my purchases. Unluckily that it cannot be use when check out and as that day was the last day for the sale so I worry that I cannot enjoy free shipping after this sale so I did not use for Sign Up Promo.

After purchase the book in Red Hot Sale, I curious about the Sign Up Promo as I cannot use it to purchase the book so I send an email to to ask about it.

Before telling you that why my Sign Up Promo cannot function well, lets us take a look for the terms and condition for the Sign Up Promo which as below:-

1. It is applicable for first purchase for normal price books that are available within 3-5 days.
2. It is not valid for other on-going promotions, unavailable titles, Out of Print titles, selected Coming Soon titles and Special Order titles.
3. It is not applicable for non-book items.

Full Terms and Conditions can be referring here

After checking by Customer Service Department, one of my purchases book has been categorized under ongoing promotion that made my 20% new sign up promo was not reflected when I key in the code during checkout. Then, I just knew that the Wang author’s book is under promotion.

After few days, the books safety arrived to my house. The books that purchases by me as below:-

会读书 (Family & Childcare)

 166 枚好感系X 超简单创意剪纸图案机:折!剪!开!完美剪纸3 Steps (Crafts & Collectable)

When online buy for the book, the things that I dislike was I cannot see or flip the content of the book. This problem can be solve by search for the book at Taiwan Bookstore website which is 博客来 as it will provide test read or preview for you to see few pages of the book.
1st Floor, No. 13 Jalan Tandang,
46050 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Facebook: MPH Click