
Monday, 24 November 2014

Shopping Experience with

I was seldom purchase book through online as it is not worth as the postage quite expensive (books are quite heavy). I will consider buying books if it has FREE postage.

29th May 2014

When surfing internet, I was accidentally saw that MPH Click had posted about having 15th anniversary so it had Red Hot Sale that has sale up to 50% and FREE delivery nationwide.

After knew about the sale, I went to to see what book having sale. I had seen that author, Wang Pei Ting’s book having sale so I want to buy it to read as I always follow her blog and Facebook Fanpage.

As spending above RM 50, I can enjoy free shipping so in order to buy the Wang author’s book; I need to buy another book so that I can having free postage. I spend some times to find the book and last I had chosen to buy Paper Cut book as I think that I may be able to use it on my postcard.

As I did not register as member before so I need to create an account. Before create the account, I had saw that for the new sign up member can enjoy 20% for all normal price books with free delivery while the promo code will send to email.

I planned to use 20% discount to buy for these 2 books as the New Sign Up Promo only can used for first purchase. After register it, I had get the promo code so I use it for my purchases. Unluckily that it cannot be use when check out and as that day was the last day for the sale so I worry that I cannot enjoy free shipping after this sale so I did not use for Sign Up Promo.

After purchase the book in Red Hot Sale, I curious about the Sign Up Promo as I cannot use it to purchase the book so I send an email to to ask about it.

Before telling you that why my Sign Up Promo cannot function well, lets us take a look for the terms and condition for the Sign Up Promo which as below:-

1. It is applicable for first purchase for normal price books that are available within 3-5 days.
2. It is not valid for other on-going promotions, unavailable titles, Out of Print titles, selected Coming Soon titles and Special Order titles.
3. It is not applicable for non-book items.

Full Terms and Conditions can be referring here

After checking by Customer Service Department, one of my purchases book has been categorized under ongoing promotion that made my 20% new sign up promo was not reflected when I key in the code during checkout. Then, I just knew that the Wang author’s book is under promotion.

After few days, the books safety arrived to my house. The books that purchases by me as below:-

会读书 (Family & Childcare)

 166 枚好感系X 超简单创意剪纸图案机:折!剪!开!完美剪纸3 Steps (Crafts & Collectable)

When online buy for the book, the things that I dislike was I cannot see or flip the content of the book. This problem can be solve by search for the book at Taiwan Bookstore website which is 博客来 as it will provide test read or preview for you to see few pages of the book.
1st Floor, No. 13 Jalan Tandang,
46050 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Facebook: MPH Click


  1. I purchased a couple of books via MPH online during the MyCyberSales, and although there was some problem in between, my orders arrived safely (very well packed) and they even included an eco tote bag. They actually do have some pretty good deals sometimes. :D

    1. LauraLeia,

      I had spotted MPH online will having deal or promotion at festival such as Merdeka, Raya and so on. I even subscribed their newsletter to know the latest deal :D


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