
Monday, 20 January 2014

2013-12 Favorite Postcards Received (Part 2)

This postcard sent by Lisa from Finland. It shows a picture of 4 seasons in Suomi Finland which looks beautiful.

This postcard sent by Bella from Taiwan. This postcard was brought by her during her New Zealand trips. She had gone to Ruakuri Cave to see firefly which you can see through postcard’s picture. It was a great experience.

At the postcard has a quote of “Wir sind im Unterwegs zu Hause” which means “We’re on the way at home”. Michael had shared his favorites quote which as below:-

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

This postcard shows a picture of cute postman and postwoman that cycling to go back home. They are so hardworking that work until night as you can see moon smiling on postcard :)

This postcard is come from exchange postcard from activity of “Give me five!” that first, I need to send a postcard by draw a hand on it which you can refer to this post. It was a fun exchange!

This postcard sent by Sana from Taiwan. This postcard has some cute icons of Christmas such as Reindeer, Santa Claus, Snowman, Socks and Gingerbread.

This postcard sent by Joan Luvfeelin as thanks for joined her blog contest. The contest was solve the puzzle and the picture of puzzle same with the picture of this postcard. I like the illustration of this postcard that has happiness Christmas feeling. 

This postcard was very cute with lots of breads and cakes. At the back of postcard is a Year 2014 Calendar.

This postcard has a panorama of Sochi which is a town of the upcoming Olympic Games. There will be lots of people coming there for a visit soon.

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