
Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Sasatinnie Rose Hip Oil Tightening & Rejuvenating Mask

This mask has the effect of tighten skin and revive skin’s rebound. It also will enhance skin’s defense, smooth wrinkles and prevent loosen of skin by Rose Hip Oil which rich in vitamin C. Besides that, it has empowered skin’s moisture holding ability by ECO Rose Floral Water which reveal skin’s radiance and elasticity.

This mask is suitable for all skin types especially for those who has skin with large pores and loosen skin.

How to use:
1. After through cleansing and toning, place the mask on face. 

2. Spread the mask to both sides of face.

3. Wait for 15-20 minutes, take off the mask and slight massage until complete absorption of remaining essence.

4. Apply daily skin care procedures as usual

This mask has a material of silky so it is very thin that stick well on face with rose scent. This mask is full of essence that after takeoff the mask, my face still has lots of essence and I need to pat it into face. Besides that, the mask that takeoff can use by me to apply on my hand and leg for moisturizing purpose.   


  1. 没试过sasa的mask~
    不过现在好像是rm10 for 4?

    1. 诗,
      rm10 for 4 好便宜哦,改次有机会到那看一看。


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