
Monday, 21 October 2013

Labuan Mooncake Festival 2013 (Day 2)

20 September 2013 (Friday)

About 7 pm, I was going to Kampung Sunga Keling again with my mum and sister. Before entered, can saw lion dance to welcome us.

Lion dance to welcome me
At this day, it has dinner which locates in front of stage. For those who have bought the dinner ticket can go in front to enjoy the meal with performance. For those who did not brought the dinner ticket, can sit at the back to enjoy the performance. 

As I did not buy the ticket so I sit at the back and it was difficult for me to take nice photos from here. It was too far.

The event started with singing National song and Federal song. It was my first times to hear Federal song as during my study times, the song that I had learnt was different from the song that I heard now. 

A group of children 
Speech speaking
After that, the event was followed by speech speaking and opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was lighting up the lantern. After that, fireworks sparkle in the sky. It was so beautiful. So regret not to record a video of it.

Beautiful firework
The performances of the night include singing, dancing and many more. The dancing part was done by a group of cute children from kindergarten. At the night also has local artist group who is Wang Yi Fei and Mao Mao group. 

Singing & dancing
During the half of performances, I had gone back with my family as we were lazy to wait for all the performances finished, feel sleepy.

To view more pictures, I had made a link from THB’s album which as below:-


  1. No video, but at least you got the pictures of it!!! =]

    1. 小影
      Yes, you're right, as least has something for memory :)


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