
Sunday, 2 June 2013

Wesak Night 2013 (Part I)

Date: 24 May 2013
Time: 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm
Venue: Labuan Buddhist Association

At night, Labuan Buddhist Association comes with many types of vegetarian dishes and a series of entertaining variety shows.

Sponsor voucher
For dinner, it had a variety of mouth-watering vegetarian dishes that to be served for dinner voucher holders. Each sponsor voucher RM15 and all the proceeds from dinner vouchers shall be channeled into building maintenance fund.

Pictures taken from Labuan Buddhist Association Facebook Page
Among all the vegetarian dishes that offered, I had choose for Vegetarian Bak Kut Teh which I did not tried it before because usually Bak Kut Teh that I ate served with pork.

This Vegetarian Bak Kut Teh came out with a combination of yam rice, vegetarian meat (which made from flour) and Bak Kut Teh soup. For me, the vegetarian meat had a little bit salty and the soup would be perfect if served with hot. 

At this Wesak Night has a theme for it which you can saw at the stage (as below). The theme was “Thanksgiving to Triple Gems”.  In front of stage had many children sat down and wait for their turn for performance.

Hosts of the day
Speech by Chairman
After the Chairman finished with the speech, the show started by some nice songs.

After 2 nice songs, it’s time for dancing. A group of children dance with the song of “Big Eye” and they were so cute. Although it was my second times to see this performance but I like it.  My first time was at kids camp which you can click here to see.

2 best friends sing a song

During morning session, it had a drawing competition which I had missed it. I had captured some photos of the drawing which drawn by children.

Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Sunday class group
Every competition must have winners for it so at that night had prize giving ceremony for drawing competition.

There were so many children who get the prize so I just randomly capture the picture which wanted to show you that many parents also capture the times when their child took the prize. I had found out that every parent will take 2 photos for their child so that if the first photo is blur then has other for back up.  

Due to many pictures that I want to share so I split this event into 2 parts. At Part II or final part will be getting more exciting of the shows.

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