
Monday, 3 June 2013

Wesak Night 2013 (Part II)

After finished with the prize giving ceremony (which you can refer to my previous post), it continued with dance of Gwiyomi by a group of cute children. 

1 + 1
2 + 2
3 + 3
4 + 4
5 + 5
6 +  6
Now, take a look for the video that record by me.

After cute Gwiyomi, the next show was the performance of Chinese Yoyo by a group of energizes teenagers. This was their first performance after practices for 3 months so during performance, some of them did not do well (I think they were so nervous of it).

Although the performance of Chinese Yoyo was not perfect but the audience still very enjoy for this performance. Many people especially children were screaming and clapping hand when they successful done for difficult part of Chinese Yoyo such like throw Chinese Yoyo up and success to get it back.

The only 3 girls for Chinese Yoyo performance

Chinese Yoyo can up and down

One hand for Chinese Yoyo

Throw the Chinese Yoyo..up

2 guys with 1 Chinese Yoyo
You throw the Chinese Yoyo and ...
I will get it

Ending pose - Chinese Yoyo turns on one finger 
Next, was the souvenir giving to some groups of volunteers that opened stall and help the Labuan Buddhist Association to collect money for the building maintenance fund. For the morning selling food part, all the volunteers success collected around RM 60, 000 which did not include the dinner sponsor voucher (A big clapped for them).

Before this had been saw some of the dance by children, now was the turn by teenager. They dance with the Korea song “Tell me, tell me”.  

The last show for the night was a group singing of the song title “Tomorrow will be better” @ 明天会更好

While waiting for my sister, I randomly took a snap for the surroundings. 

Recycle part

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