
Friday, 6 May 2016

UNICEF! 1 Donation, 1 Value, 1 Love!

In March 2016, I had received an email from Lelong regarding the new platform which is and UNICEF has official store at there.

UNICEF is a leading humanitarian and development agency working globally for the rights of every child. Child rights begin with safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflict and traverse the life cycle: pre-natal care for healthy births, clean water and sanitation, health care and education.


Now a day, make a donation seem easy because can use bank transfer other than give the money to charity by self. In, UNICEF offers some necessarily for you to purchase such as measles vaccines, first aid kit, water hand pump and many more. After purchased, UNICEF will help you deliver the things to those who in need.

For every buyer, UNICEF will send an exclusive UNICEF Malaysia paper craft doll gift card for you or person who you wish to give for as an appreciation. Beside that the annual report also will be emailed to you to show how inspired gifts helped.

I had purchase 20x exercise books and 20x pencils to children and school who needs it most. The payment is so easy because you can choose from Mastercard, Visa,, Public Bank, CIMB Clicks and Hong Leong Bank.

After some days, I had received an envelope from UNICEF. Inside of envelope has a letter with paper doll card. The doll card is printed on a paper and I had tear out accordingly and made it. The UNICEF paper doll is so cute.

For those interested to buy some things for people in need can try to purchase at UNICEF. For your information that purchases of RM 50 and above can request for a tax exemption receipt (TER) by email to

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