
Monday, 9 May 2016

Manabeshima Island Japan: One Island, Two Months, One Minicar, Sixty Crabs, Eighty Bites and Fifty Shots of Shochu by Florent Chavouet

Manabeshima is one of the islands in Japan. Based on Lonely Planet, Manabeshima is home to more cats than people, and its one small town is an atmospheric maze of old wooden houses, a solitary village shop that has been in business since the Meiji period and an old fashioned school.

As Manabeshima is just a very normal island, Florent Chavouet’s friend suggested he go to Shiraishishima, the next door island but he still insists go there for 2 months. In this book, he had draw the life in this island. I very enjoyed in reading this book which made me feel like want to go there too. Hehe..

In this book also included an illustration map of Manabeshima island. Although I did not go to there before, through this book, I can know that this island has many cats because Florent Chavouet draws two full introduction pages of cat which included the types of cat and the place they usually stay.

After read of this book made me want to read of author’s another book which is “Tokyo on Foot” but I found out that the English version is quite expensive but I will try looks for the Chinese version.

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