
Friday, 6 February 2015

2014-12 Favorite Postcards Received

Many of my friends and relative travel during December and I am so happy that when they see the postcard, they will think of me and buy to me, very appreciate.

My cousin had gone to Taiwan and she bought Taiwan shape postcards for me which are Alishan Forest Railway and Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall postcards. I love the postcards very much.

Blogger friend, Bao Qiong had sent me a Hatyai postcard with a mermaid keychain. The postcard is very cute with Thai words. Read of her travel post made me also want to go Hatyai for a holiday.

My friend, Evon had go for a Cruise with her family that from Kota Kinabalu to Philippines and she had bought me some postcards with magnet. Through the postcard, I can see that the view of Palawan is so beautiful. I also hope that in future can travel with cruise.

Besides postcard from friends, I also received a temporary postcard which wrongly sent by postman. This postcard showed an illustration of Paris. I also need to thank postman that sometime sending wrong postcard to me as I have chance to see many more postcard. Hehe..


This postcard shows a picture of The Postcard Shop that located in Penang. This postcard has Santa Claus and reindeer to say “Hi”.

This postcard shows the types of birds that can be found in Netherland. By read of the birds’ name, I did not heard of each bird name before. 

Receiving any postcard will make me have a big smile that like the girl on this postcard.

This postcard shows a Chinese word that mean wish come true. Hope by receiving this postcard will made my wish come true. At the back of postcard has Taiwan Kinmen stamp mark.

The drawing of Irene Tan is very nice and so lucky that I received a postcard from she. Hope that I also can draw as well as she. 

This Christmas postcard is very cute that handmade by Ashh. I love it so much as it is 3D and so cheerful.

This postcard has a shape of 8 candy that inside of candy is chocolate and I always eat it when I was small. Did you eat this type of candy before?

This postcard show a picture of Japanese White Eye bird that it sound “Di..Di..”.

This postcard has a cute road sign that asked you to caution for Santa Claus and its reindeer.

When seeing of this postcard made me think of my DIY mushroom postcard.  This postcard said that “Annabelle the lady bird is the most beautiful but where did she hid herself?” Did you spot lady bird? I had spotted it hid on one of the mushroom.

Mayakovskaya Metro Station opened on 11th September 1938 in the Tverskoy District of central Moscow. I like the design of this station which looks very beautiful especially the ceiling mosaic.

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