
Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Shopping Haul in Sugar Catz

Before this, I had bought Ballerina stamp through online. Besides Ballerina stamp, I also wish to buy a set of stamp with emotion in everyday (Monday- Sunday). If I only bought the emotion stamp, it will be so expensive after mix with shipping charge so I told myself that I will buy it when the shopping website has any promotion such as free shipping, discount and so on.

Pic Source: Sugar Catz
December 2013

When online, I had saw Sugar Catz Facebook has offer 30% discount for purchase above RM 30.00. As the purchases amount to get discount is quite easy to meet so I had go to Sugar Catz website to start my online shopping.

January 2014

As I choose for register shipping that is cheaper but slower than express shipping so I get my things after 1 week. All my purchase things had been put in a small box and wrapped with bubble paper. For your information that Sugar Catz will inform your parcel's tracking number via SMS.

Now, let take a look in what had I bought besides emotion stamp.

As I saw this series of postcard (Gap Year Girls) is so cute so I had bought some for exchange purpose. The choice for postcard is quite limited in Sugar Catz so you need to be fast to purchase postcard that you likes to avoid out of stock.

I had bought My Melody Deco Stickers for decorate my postcard before send out. The stickers in Sugar Catz are so many that I need to take some times to choose for it.

Besides My Melody Deco Stickers, I also bought Happy Birthday Stickers for decoration as from times to times I need to send a postcard to birthday girl or boy.

This is a freebie which is a card holder. This card holder is so cute.

I made an order during end of December so Sugar Catz had sent me a Christmas postcard to wish me “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!” although Christmas had been passed when I receive my parcel. 

To meet with the purchase amount in order to get the discount, I had chosen to buy a notebook for me to record my travel memory. This notebook shows a symbol of Eiffel Tower but I did not plan to go there in this year.

This is an emotion stamp that was my target during the purchases. Now, I always use this stamp when write for postcard. 

That all for my shopping haul and for those interested can go to Sugar Catz website to take a look.

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