
Friday, 7 March 2014

2014-01 Favorite Postcards Received (Part 2)

This postcard sent from 小薰妈 during her travel to Thailand. For me, Pai is a beautiful place in Thailand. This postcard picture is a public bus which you can see in Pai.

This postcard sent from my friend, Evon during her travel to Kuching. In postcard, she said that she accidentally found this postcard in office when she clean up her place and she think that this postcard was left by her previous colleagues so she send this postcard to me as she know that I am collecting postcard. This postcard shows a picture of Culture Center where the Shanghai Expo 2010 held.

This postcard was so funny with its illustration as a white people riding a “horse” which is make from toilet bowl (head of horse), tissue paper (horse’s tail), brush (whip) and others. The imagination of postcard artist was so creative. 

This postcard has a picture of a pretty lady with a traditional cloth sitting on a bench to enjoy the view. 

It was my first times to receive an astronaut postcard with an astronaut in moon stamp. The astronaut in postcard is Buzz Aldrin. This postcard will be a great collection.

This is a stamp postcard which sent from New Zealand by Lee. This stamp postcard shows British Textile with featuring Scarlet Tulips. 

This shape postcard sent from Netherland by Karen. Now, I just know that in Netherland also has a beautiful windmill.

This is a map postcard that showing some interesting places in Vermont, the Green Mountain state. The capital in Vermont is Montpeller. The motto for Vermont is Freedom and Unity. First time to heard for this place.


  1. I like that Netherlands Postcard, very nice scenery.

  2. You collect postcards? I collect fridge magnets

    1. Libby,
      Yes, I collect postcards. Wow, I can imagine that your fridge is full of fridge magnets. Some of my relatives also collect fridge magnets which they brought during travelling.


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