
Friday, 7 February 2014

Christmas 2013: Christmas card from Santa Claus Germany

28th November 2013

My first Christmas letter was from Germany. Through the envelope, I can see the picture of real Santa Claus with a nice Santa Claus stamp mark from post office. 

At the back of envelope had showed a picture of Santa Claus with his angles were busy with preparing the gift. This Santa Claus was so different with the Santa Claus that I know as he sent the gift by airplane or van, so surprise. Em..Where are his reindeers? Busy with preparing gift too.

Inside of the envelope has a printed letter with my name that handwrites by Santa Claus. In letter, Santa Claus had said that he had included some cards for me to send to my family and friends but I will not send to anyone as I want to collect them into my postcard book.

It has 3 postcards that 1 postcard need to color it while the others color printed. At the back of postcard had stated that these postcards were made from recycle paper.

Thanks Santa Claus Germany!


  1. That's the cutest thing to do ever! I never knew you could send letters to santa! Thanks for sharing!

    1. April,
      You can try to send some cards to Santa Claus in this year too. Suggest to send out the card early in order to get return letter from Santa Claus before Christmas :D


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