
Sunday, 27 October 2013

Postcard Project: Happy Birthday to Oliwia

Postcard behind story from Aneta:-

My friend works at a foundation that fulfills the dreams of seriously ill children. I found out that one of their dependents has a dream which can meet all contribute so I ask you and yours!

Oliwia is a 6 years old and suffers from a brain tumor and her dream is to get a large number of cards for her birthday which is 27 October.

As Oliwia was small so I choose not to write too much words in postcard and choose to draw an animals to wish she happy birthday. As usual, I searched through internet to find step to step to draw an animals as I am not talent in drawing. 

Finally, I choose to draw a mouse to wish Oliwia happy birthday with the words of Polish which is “Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin”. Now, I just noticed that happy birthday in Polish was so long and quite difficult for me to remember it.

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