
Monday, 28 October 2013

My Mireica Story

On September, I was so happy to participate in ‘What’s Your Mireica Story’ Campaign that each of us giving a chance to try out beauty drinks, Mireica nutria-peau for a month.

What is Mireica nutria-peau?

Mireica nutria-peau (nutria-peau mean skin nutrition in French) is the world’s first supplement that helps revitalize skin stem cells to promote skin rejuvenation. 

How to drink Mireica?

Mireica is best taken daily on an empty stomach (so your body can absorb as much nutrients that’s in Mireica). Drink it at first in the morning or just before bedtime.

Picture by Betsy Yeo
1. Get ready a glass of cold water/juice and Mireica
2. Empty the sachet content into glass
3. Add in cold water/juice
4. Stir till effervescent powder is dissolved
5. Drink immediately

For my first try of Mireica, I had chosen to drink with room temperature water as during that time, I was having my menstrual period (For me, I will not drink any cold water during menstrual period as it's not good for health). The taste of Mireica with room temperature water was not taste good as I was not get used with the taste.

After finished with menstrual period, I try to drink Mireica with cold water and it tastes yummy with berry flavor but I am not fully drinking with cold water but mix with some room temperature water. The pro-rate for my Mireica drink is 2/3 room temperature water with 1/3 cold water plus one sachet of Mireica as it is not good to drink cold water every day.

Note: It is best taken with cold water as it tastes good with cold water. If you feel that the taste is still strong, do take it with any fruit juices.

After drinking Mireica drinks for a month, I found out that my redness of acne had been getting lesser but still has some redness on my face. It looks getting better and even my dad also said that my face become smoother. It is good for me to continue drinking Mireica as my face will have more improvement in future but due to the price of a box of Mireica is quite expensive so I will try on other beauty drinks first before decide whether want to purchase Mireica in future.

Note: The price of Mireica nutria-peau 30 sachets is RM 178.00.

Where to buy Mireica in Malaysia?

Pharmacies & Chain stores


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