
Thursday, 3 October 2013

2013-09 Favorite Postcards Received (Part 1)

As this month, the postcards that I received are not much so I post out all my postcards received during September to part 1 and part 2. I also do some minor edit to postcards picture which some of postcard has shown a picture of stamp.

Who eat my chocolate? This postcard sent from Germany which looks special as the chocolate had been bite of one side.

I had received surprise envelopes from Man Man, Taiwan. I had exchange a postcard with she. Unexpectedly, she returned to me was not a postcard but an envelope with lots of surprise which include 2 sweets that taste like maltose + milk. The sweets have 2 layers which has yellow and white colors.

This postcard was sent by my friend, Evon who had been travel to Penang with her parents. I was so happy to receive it and appreciate for her effort to send me a postcard during her travel. Wish in future, I can go to Penang and take some pictures with Penang street art.

Postcard + Stamp
This postcard was my winning prize for postcard giveaway which sent from Indonesia. The question of giveaway sounds like the suggestion of a question to make for next giveaway and my answer is closes your eye and what do you see? It is just a random answer that I think of and unexpectedly, Dini likes it.

Postcard + Stamp
This postcard shows a picture of Ukrainian traditional patterns. It makes me think of Malaysia’s Batik. 

Postcard + Stamp
This postcard shows a picture of Minsk which sent from Tanya, Belarus. The illustration of Minsk was so beautiful.

Continue with Part 2

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