
Friday, 13 September 2013

Overlab Blue Berry Real Powder Mask

2nd – 4th September, my house had been experienced for short period disruption water that started from 2pm and end on 8pm. Disruption of water had been interrupt with my masking times as I cannot mask with ePure Membranous Jelly Masque because I need to wash the jelly mask after using it. It is not so convenience although disruption water ended on 8pm because on 8pm afterwards the water that first comes out from pipe was in yellow color which looks dirty.

On 4th September, suddenly I had thought of blueberry powder sheet mask that in HiShop August Beauty Box which very suitable for me to use especially during disruption water because I just apply it on my face and did not need to wash it after use.  

This blueberry powder sheet useful to skin elasticity as it provides the freshness and efficiency of ingredients efficiently and adds the closeness and nutrition of skin with the synergy effect of concentrated essence. 

How to use:
The overlab powder mask is meant to be soaked with serum ONLY upon application.

1. After stabilizing the skin with toner after face wash, gently press the ampoule on the upper part of the pouch with following the arrow.

Press following the arrows (refer above picture): Purple Arrow >> Yellow Arrow

2. Press everywhere so as for the ingredients to be evenly soaked into the lower sheet.

Press following the arrow (refer above picture): Red Arrow

3. Allow the mask to soak for 10 minutes and apply on cleansed face.

4. Rest comfortably for 15-20 minutes and remove mask.

5. Remove the mask and let the skin absorb the remaining essence by gently petting the skin. 

The mask that I normally use is tearing the packaging and apply it on face while this mask is a little bit different with the mask that I usually use. Why I say like this because using this mask such like play a game that you need to complete level by level in order to get the reward  which is enjoy the mask on face.

When tear the packaging to get the mask, I have smell a nice scent of blueberry that remind me of the smell of Rebina (blueberry based soft drink). After applying the mask on my face, I found out that my face become more moisturizing and freshly. 

HiShop has offers many choices for Overlab Real Powder Masks which as below:-

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