
Tuesday, 13 August 2013

My Beauty Diary Chocolate Mask

This chocolate mask will give an excellent moisturizing, repairing and anti-aging effect to restore dry and dull skin back to silky-smooth texture and supple complexion.

I like to eat chocolate but did not know that it has chocolate mask until I received this mask from Supermodel Secret. I love the packaging of this mask which is so cute that the packaging of chocolate has printed with some words like Love, Kiss, My, Beauty, Diary and Hug. 

When opened the packaging of mask, I quite disappointed as I thought that the color of mask will be brown color which is same color with chocolate. This mask has a strong smell of chocolate that smell delicious. This mask comes with a plastic sheet which easily for me to identify which is front (the side with plastic sheet) and back (the side without plastic sheet). It is fit well on my face. After apply it, I feel that my face is very supple. 

***** Happiness Quote *****

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony – Mahatma Gandhi


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