
Monday, 12 August 2013

Bye, P Driving License

My Probationary Driving License (PDL) expired on 9th August 2013 which falls on the second days of Hari Raya (Holiday at that day) so I need to renew my license before it expires. I had been holding PDL for 2 years so finally it’s time to upgrade it to Competent Driving License (CDL).

On 6th August 2013, I went to JPJ office to upgrade my license. The things that I need to bring to JPJ office are original license, identity card and one passport size photo.

At counter,

I give my original license and photo to the staff.

Staff: Berapa tahun? (English: How many years?)
Me: 2X tahun (English: 2X years)
Staff: ……

PDL- marked with white capital P in square red background.
The staff asked me how many years that I want for my CDL’s validity period (maximum years is 5 years) while I misunderstood the staff that thought she asked for my age in Malay. After she explained for me and I told she that I wanted for 5 years but rejected by the staff because for early renewal like me only allow for 1 years (She explained to me by using English, I think she thought my Malay was very weak due to the misunderstanding =.=). If I want for 5 years, I need to wait for the day or after the day of expire date. Finally I choose for 1 year because I lazy to come here again.

From now on, expire date of CDL will be same as birthday date so at this times, my CDL will be expire after 1 years plus (at my next next birthday date or year 2015). The fees for upgrade or renew will be a year RM 30.00. For my case which is one year plus so my license fee will be pro-rate and a total fee for my driving license is RM 45.00.

Finally, I am a CDL certified road user (^.^)


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