
Friday, 3 April 2020

Short Trip in Sipitang 2018

10th December 2018 (Monday)

Spitang is located in Sabah. It was my first time go Sipitang. There are several stories on that. Some say ‘Sipitang’ is originated from a fish name, others say it was from fruits. There is another claim that it is actually a person-GoSpitang

This is my first time to eat Pulasan. It looks same as rambutan that I usually eat.

The pulasan, Nephelium ramboutan-ake (family Sapindaceae), is a tropical fruit closely allied to the rambutan and sometimes confused with it. It has various common names, including pulasan in English, Spanish and Malay, kapulasan in Indonesia, ngoh-khonsan in Thailand, and bulala or panungayan in the Philippines- Wikipedia

Before this, Sipitang has market at roadside and many driver will stop at roadside and come to buy some fruits to eat. Now the market had been move to inside shoplot area. 

The Sipitang Market is quite small, many people cannot walk together at the same time because the walkaway is so narrow. 

At the back of market has sea. When ebb, the ferry and boat cannot move, need wait for rising tide. Therefore, it is quite risky if you have important appointment need to attend at the same day.

For breakfast in Sipitang, we went to Kedai Kopi Rasa Sayang. At there, I ordered some ready noodle.

SFI Motel

SFI Motel also known as Sidewalk Paradise located inside the SFI Housing Colony. This motel is among the most equipped motel with many facilities that enable it to  host many function from simple family gathering to wedding- GoSipitang

This motel is not located in town; you need drive around 20 minutes to reach. Before enter the motel, you need drive into Sabah Forest Industries Sdn Bhd.

From the furniture until electrical appliances, I can saw that this room did not upgrade since many years. Air-condition that used are in big size.

Near the bed has a drawer, inside drawer has some wire but I did not know the function of it. Maybe it is a radio?

The room that I stayed is connection room. It is very good to stay in connection room with friends or family, easy for chit chat. Haha…

This hotel has own hall which can use as dinner purpose. At here, I just knew that Karaoke in Hokkien has Malay subtitle.

For those driving, you can park your car in hotel as it provides parking lots.

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