
Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Send Kids The World: Postcards for kids with life threatening illnesses

Send Kids the World features kids with life threatening illnesses and injuries and enables you to reach out to them and send them encouraging postcards from all around the world.

Write a cheerful short note to the child.  For example, tell about the picture on the front of the postcard and the place where you’re sending it from (i.e. Hailey, We live here just below Mt. Timpanogos.  We hope Florida is beautiful this time of year! Love, The Smith Family).  Or just a simple ‘Greetings from…’.  Simple is best.  Remember, you’re not trying to cure them or be a miracle worker; you’re just making them happy for a little while!

PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY.  Know the status of a child before writing your message and mailing the postcard. Don’t write get well soon because some of the kids will not get well. You want to cheer up these children and their families, not add more hurt to their lives.  

I had sent out 72 postcards to all the kids. I made the handmade postcards for the kids, as I want to reduce my stickers. I wrote their name on the postcard and decorated with some stickers. At the back of postcard write some message and decorated with washi tape. Hope they will like my postcards!

For those interested to write postcard to the kids can refer website of “Send KidsThe World”. You no need to send all postcards to all the kids like me but advisable. You can send postcard to selective kids or during their birthday.  

2017-11 &12 Favorite Postcards Received

My Postcrossing ranking for November & December 2017 as below:-
On 56th (November) & 55th (December) most postcards sent from Malaysia
On 56th (November) & 54th (December) longest distance sent from Malaysia

Teacher Day in Malaysia is 16thMay. From this postcard, I know that Teacher Day in Taiwan is 28th September. The comic on postcard is so cute!

When received this postcard, I curious what is “Buga2031”? Based on Wikipedia, The Bundesgartenschau (abbr. BUGA) is a biennial Federal horticulture show in Germany. It also covers topics like landscaping. Taking place in different cities, the location changes in a two-year cycle. This event sounds interesting.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Reading Book List 2017


1.  The Diary of a Young Girl (The Definitive Edition) by Anne Frank *Ebook*
2. 小公主心想事成许愿魔法 by 张育甄
3. 在旅途中,为自己写一张明信片 by 谢丽芬
4. 细感台南公车亲旅行 
5. 从大丽花到兰花 by 许裕全
6. Asian Raw Food Kitchen by Shannon Lim-De Rooy

7.  列车上的女孩 by 玻拉霍金斯
8. 安心的义工旅行让你的行走更幸福 by 安芯
9. Aloha 夏威夷 by 好玩旅游月刊
10. 关键一招,启动年轻基因 by 林佳静

11. 了凡四训 (儒释道)
12. 没有人应该坚强一辈子 by 艾莉
13. 化妆品与日常用品含致癌化学物 by 槟消协
14. 来自天堂的第一通电话 by 米奇艾尔邦
15. 涂抹+可食用! 椰子油 名模冻龄的神奇秘密 by 日比野佐和子
16. HealthToday: The Unstoppable Jackie Chan

17. 印度料理 初学者的第一本书 by 奈尔善已
18. 我爱故我在 by 陶晶莹
19. M巾笔记 by 爱惜公房 Love&Cherish
20. 跟着蓝天白云去旅行 by 黄淑萍
21. HealthToday: Gal Gadot makes her mark as Wonder Woman
22. More Confusing Words in Action 1 by David Pickering
23. Belle 画画玩欧洲:带着画笔上邮轮工作的梦想家 by 莊惠如
24. 啊,请张嘴:张草看牙记 by 张草
25. 在地小旅行 by 卓衍豪
26. 化妆及个人护理产品更多的危害与副作用 by 槟消协

27. 大时代中定位 by 陈峰
28. 比起说再见,我们更擅长想念 by P's
29. 顶尖营养师教你吃出瘦子体质 by 林佳静
30. 吃出高中生的新陈代谢 by 林佳静
31. 面包香里 by 槟消协
32. 反式脂肪加工食品里的杀手 by 槟消协
33. 不吃化学餐 by 槟消协
34. 让高墙倒下来吧 by 李家同

35. HealthToday: Rock Hard: Dwayne Johnson
36. 故事68 by 李家同
37. 儿童食品指南 by 槟消协
38. 糖损害你的健康 by 槟消协
39. 不粘锅不利健康 by 槟消协
40. 保健品能保健吗?by 槟消协
41. 味精安全吗?by 槟消协
42. Snow White Stories Around the World by Jessica Gunderson
43. Prina the Pangolin by Judy Shaik
44. Herbs in Daily Life by Consumers Association of Penang

45. 塑胶有毒 by 槟消协
46. 化学品的危险 by 槟消协
47. 驱虫法-自然 农法的虫害控制 by 槟消协
48. Tom Gates Super Good Skills (almost) by Liz Pichon
49. 一张瑜珈垫练肌力成功瘦50公斤 by Kim Joo Won
50. 寻找 by 阿果
51. 礼仪师的黑色幽默日常 by 绪方千惠
52. 发现粗食好味道 by 塘塘与早乙女修
53. 发现粗食好味道 2 by 塘塘与早乙女修
54. HealthToday: Space Queen: Zoe Saldana
55. 莊淑旂博士的家传调经术 by 章美如
56. 爱美丽 by 林佩琦
57. 我来自纽约2:当我们在一起 by 张爵西和李慧慧

58. 迷路香港by黑白琪
59. 莊淑旂博士的家传调经术by章美如
60. 迷路台湾by黑白琪
61. 29张当票:典当不到的人生启发by秦嗣林
62. The Magic Spicebox by Namita Moolani & Heetal Dattani Joshi
63. The First Journey by Phung Nguyen Quang & Huynh Kim Lien
64. The Circulatory Story by Mary K.Corcoran

65. Tiny Feet Tiny Shoes by Adeline Foo
66. 猪头皮痒 by 许裕全
67. 小苏打居家环保清洁230种妙招
68. 搭巴士去旅行:北马篇 by 林振富
69. HealthToday: Hugh Jackman Battles Cancer
70. 除了旅行不懂干嘛 by Khang Nee & Stephanie

71. 蔬果植化素启动不生病的奇迹:唤醒神奇自愈力by 吴映蓉
72. 危险食品面面观 by 槟消协“危险食品指南”
73. 中东料理 Step 123 科威特媳妇的烹饪笔记 by 林幸香
74. 死在这里也不错 by 马家辉

75. 游迹可寻 by 笨女人
76. Unit Trust Investment by Azizi Ali
77. How to Sell Unit Trust and Why People Buy by Chris Gan
78. Know Your Unit Trust Investment by Jeffrey Gan
79. 三行情书 by 你我他
80. 猪头负二代 by 许裕全
81. 领悟食物的力量,我从末期癌症重生 by 高速智子

82. 做自己最快乐by 摩丝摩丝
83. Lawak Kampus by Keith
84. 安乐茶饭 by 林金城
85. 健康2.0 消脂养肝,别让肥肝要你命!
86. The Organic Pantry by LOke Siew Foong

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Registered Dentist

Q: How to know whether the dentist is registered dentist or not in Malaysia? As nowadays many "fake" dentist. 

A: Go to  to Malaysian Dental Council search for it, no matter the dentist work in private or government sector.

After that look for "Search for Dental Practitioners" . You can search by name of dentist or place.

The result as below:-
Click "Details" to know more about dentist.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Registered Doctor

Q: How to know whether the doctor is registered doctor or not in Malaysia? As nowadays many "fake" doctor. 

A: Go to Malaysian Medical Council to search for it.

To know more information about Registration of Doctor, click the topic that you wish to know under "Medical Practitioners".

To know whether the doctor is registered or not, search for it.

It can search by using name of doctor, University which he or she graduated and many more. To make it easy, you can type the place where you are in "Place of Practice" and it will show all the registered doctor in your area.

The searching result as below:- 
You can click the "details" to know more about the doctor.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Calendar 2018: Ruby English

This calendar is a prize which I joined contest in Facebook of Ruby Hsu. She is the founder of Ruby English in Taiwan. she was a host in TV program of 《上班這黨事》.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Miri + Brunei Trip 2017: My First Solo Trip in Brunei

All the places which I visit is free of charge but before go in need to take off the shoes.  I spent around 1 ½ hours in exploring Brunei. It is quite rush but fun too.

Mercu Dirgahayu 60

The Mercu Dirgahayu 60 is a birthday gift presented by the people of Brunei to His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah on his 60th birthday. It symbolizes their gratitude, loyalty, and support for the leadership of the Sultan of Brunei in achieving peace, integrity, prosperity and progress for Brunei Darussalam.

It is in Waterfront and near with Tourism Information Centre.

Teng Yun Temple

I passed by this temple when want go back to bus station.

Memorial Clock

The Timepiece Monument is a memorial clock monument build in 1959 to commemorate the visit of the King of Malaysia.  It is in the heart of the city and it functions as a “Zero-Mile-Clock” used to indicate the starting point of distances between Bandar Seri Begawan and other places in Brunei.

Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque

OmarAli Saifuddien Mosque is an Islamic mosque located in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of the Sultanate of Brunei. The mosque is often considered as one of the most beautiful mosques in the Asia Pacific, it is a place of worship for the Muslim community, a major historical site and a famous tourist attraction of Brunei.

From bus station, on the way to my first destination. A man shouted I and I thought my things fall in floor and he told me. Actually, he is promoting the water village package. As I did not has time to explore so I declined his offer. Then he said can take me to mosque by using short cut. I can walk by myself but what can I do, I just followed him. If has anything wrong, I will run away. When I saw the mosque, I thanks for his help.

That time was so hot, I took few pictures at outside of mosque.

I saw can go in visit but need take off shoe and wear robe. Inside cannot take photos and the walking place is limited. Before returned the robe, I asked staff helped me to take picture.

On the way from mosque to Royal Regalia Building, I saw Radio Television Brunei (RTB). When I small, my TV channel has RTB.

Royal Regalia Building

The Royal Regalia Museum (Malay: Muzium Alat Kebesaran Diraja), previously known as the Royal Regalia Building (Malay: Bangunan Alat Kebesaran Diraja) is a museum located in the heart of Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei. The museum mainly houses the regalia of the Sultan and the royalty, as well as exhibits related to the commemorations of the Silver and Golden Jubilee celebrations of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah's rule of Brunei. The Royal Regalia Museum was officially opened on 30 September 1992 by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.

When the bus passed this building, I thought Royal Regalia Museum closed as the door closed. When I reached, I just knew that it is automatic door therefore when no people go in, it will close. At here also need take off shoe before go in.

When go in, the bag and hand phone need put into locker as inside no allow photography. I take the locker’s key from counter. I like to see the gift received by Sultan Brunei that is beautiful and interesting. Inside has souvenir corner that sell postcard, keychain, magnet and many more.

Brunei History Centre

The Brunei History Centre (Malay: Pusat Sejarah Brunei, abbreviated as PSB) is a government institution which conducts research, documentation, publication and dissemination on matters pertaining to the history of Brunei.

Compare with Royal Regalia Museum, at this Centre did not has many things to see and less people visit.

Kampung Ayer (World’s Largest Water Village)

Tourism Center