
Thursday, 19 October 2017

Itinerary Indonesia Trip 2017: Pontianak

The Pontianak trip started with my friend saw that the flight ticket is so cheap. The return flight ticket from Kota Kinabalu to Kuching to Pontianak cost RM 299. Although the place is not well known and the name of “Pontianak” is quite scary because it means ferocious female ghost in Malay. Therefore two of us decide to find another friend to accompany so that our family member will not so worry. Pontianak is an hour slower than Malaysia.

Kota Pontianak is the capital of the Indonesian province of West Kalimantan, founded by Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie as a capital of Sultanate of Kadriyah ( Kesultanan Kadriyah ) in 23 Oktober 1771 / 14 Rajab 1185 Hijriah. Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie developed Pontianak as a trading port on the island of Borneo, occupying an area of 107.82 km² in the delta of the Kapuas River. It is located precisely on the equator, hence it is widely known as Kota Khatulistiwa (Equatorial City). The city center is actually less than 3 kilometres (2 mi) south of the equator- Wikipedia

Money Changer

I changed money for two times, because money changer which I visit did not have enough of Rupiah. My first changing at the end of August.

Ranjit Store Sdn Bhd:  RM 470.79 to 1,182,000 Rupiah (currency rate 0.345)

After few week, I went to Ranjit Store again and the store only managed to change RM 100. Thus, a India woman asked me to write down my handphone number and she will inform me if the Rupiah has stock. After few days, I received SMS from the woman and I told her that I would come to collect either this Sunday or next Saturday.

At next Saturday, I came to collect the Rupiah and been informed that FINISH!!! After asking, I just knew that last Saturday has a girl come to change money and she thought is me. Then I went to another money changer to change for money.

Arcade Money Changer: RM 250.25 to 715,000 Rupiah (currency rate 0.35)

When saw the price in Rupiah, I use “divide by 3”with ignore “000” to know the currency in Malaysia. It is not the accurate way as currency keep up and down.
Example: 715,000 Rupiah, I will use 715/3= 238 in Ringgit

19 September 2017 (Tuesday)

I took Labuan Express Tiga (economic class: RM21.00) to Kota Kinabalu in the afternoon and met up with my friend. The ferry did not full of people.

20 September 2017 (Wednesday)

Kota Kinabalu International Airport (7:55am-9:20am) >> Kuching International Airport (11:55am-11:45am) >> Supadio International Airport >> Airport Taxi (120,000 Rupiah) >> Hotel NEO Gajah Mada Pontianak >> GO-JEK (20,000 Rupiah) >> D’Bamboo >> GO-JEK (14,000 Rupiah) >> St. Joseph Cathedral Church >> GO-JEK (10,000 Rupiah) >>  Pusat Oleh-oleh Pontianak >> Mall Matahari Pontianak >> GO-JEK (10,000 Rupiah) >> Taman Alun-alun Kapuas >> GO-JEK (10,000 Rupiah) >> Abang Kepiting >> GO-JEK (10,000 Rupiah) >> Hotel NEO Gajah Mada Pontianak

In Kuching, we almost miss the flight as the entire passenger been inside of the flight and the flight’s door been closed. The flight has a little bit early departure that made us almost miss the flight.

Pusat Oleh-oleh Pontianak (located in Jalan Pattimura Pontianak) is a center of various gift shops. It is just a row. At there you can find some crafts, snacks, keychain and many more. I bought The Equator Monument Museum magnet.

21 September 2017 (Thursday)

Hotel NEO Gajah Mada Pontianak (Breakfast: Noodles Now Restaurant) >> GO-JEK (10,000 Rupiah) >> A Hin Chai Kue Panas Siam (CLOSED) >> GO-JEK (10,000 Rupiah) >> Es Krim Angi >> GO-JEK (10,000 Rupiah) >> Rumah Adat Radakng Dayak Kalimantan Barat >> GO-JEK (24,000 Rupiah) >> Museum Kalimantan Barat >> GO-JEK (10,000 Rupiah) >> Ayani Mega Mall >> GO-JEK (*33,000 Rupiah) >> Hotel NEO Gajah Mada Pontianak >> GO-JEK (10,000 Rupiah) >> A Hin Chai Kue Panas Siam aslandmark to Stall No.140 >> GO-JEK (10,000 Rupiah) >>  Hotel NEO Gajah Mada Pontianak >> Pusat Oleh-oleh Pontianak >> Cup Fee Pontianak >> Hotel NEO Gajah Mada Pontianak

*The GO-JEK fare 33,000 Rupiah is from Ayani Mega Mall to Waterpark Paradis Q. After went in the car, we changed our mind as ticket for Public Holiday was quite expensive compare normal day. Hence, we asked driver sent us to hotel.

22 September 2017 (Friday)

Hotel NEO Gajah Mada Pontianak (Breakfast: Noodles Now Restaurant) >> Hire One Day Car with Driver (1000,000 Rupiah-7am until 8pm) to Singkawang >> Post Office >> The Equator Monument Museum >> Singkawang >> Ikan Bakar & Ayam Bakar ACI >> Gardenia Resort & Spa

23 September 2017 (Saturday)

Gardenia Resort & Spa (Breakfast: The Papyrus Restaurant) >> Supadio International Airport (12:10pm-1:50pm) >> Kuching International Airport (8:35pm-10:05pm) >> GrabCar (RM 11) >> Song Kheng Hai Hawker Centre >> Buy Kek Lapis near Chinese Temple >> GrabCar (RM 22) >> Viva City Megamall >> GrabCar (RM 10) >> Kota Kinabalu International Airport

Reached Kuching airport, we used GrabCar go to town to look for lunch. At Song Kheng Hai Hawker Centre, I ate tomato noodle, Gong pia (Original & Garlic flavor) and 五味汤 (5 taste soup?). After that, we walked to buy kek lapis. I bought two kek lapis that cost me RM 22.

Inside Viva City Megamall has 2 food courts which has one specially for Kuching famous food while other is more on local and international food. Inside mall has a beautiful “Kolam” features India pretty woman.

Our flight been delayed and retimed to 9:35pm. In Kuching airport, we met our Matriculation Economic Teacher. From year 2009, he had been resigned to be a teacher and start do tour business in Kundasang. Luckily, my friend recognized the face of teacher because I did not recognized him, OMG!

24 September 2017 (Sunday)

Kota Kinabalu >> Bus Menumbok Express (8.30am & RM 18.00) >> Menumbok >> Speed Boat (RM 9.70) >> Labuan

I kept sleeping inside bus because I am too tired. When in Menumbok, we chose speed boat to back because the time for ferry Express Menumbok is quite late.

Now, speed boat ticket can be buy online except counter, very cool right? Haha.. Snap the picture, who know I will use the code in future booking.


  1. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Pontianak. I had no idea how this place looked like but another blogger loved this place.

    Thank you very much for the thoughtful postcard which was really a surprise. I am following your blog now so please update often. Please can you provide me your mailing address and email me?

    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Twilight Man,

      So glad that the postcard safety reach you there. Now I just focus on writing my travel stories in my blog, as long as I am travelling then will post about it :D


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