
Monday, 11 September 2017

2017-08 Favorite Postcards Received

My Postcrossing ranking for August 2017 as below:-
On 53rd most postcards sent from Malaysia
On 55th longest distance sent from Malaysia

Svetlava sent me some things from Russia. Inside the envelope have a postcard (Siskal-cake made of corn flour), chocolate package, 500 RUB and tea package that she love.  This was my first time to receive money as Svetlava would like to share with me how Russia money looks like.

This London postcard is so creative that you can tick ü and û for those places during your travel trip.

The Texas Chili looks so SPICY but the ingredients looks simple.

Usually the maxi card received was latest. This postcard features Landcare with stamp issued 11 June 1992.

This postcard shows the picture of a thunderstorm just east of downtown Little Rock on the Arkansas River on May 2013. Terry told me that the word of “Arkansas” (ARE.can,saw) came from the Quapaw Indians, by way of early French explores, who met a group of Native Americans known as Ugakhpah (people who live downstream). They were later called the Quapaw and the Arkansaw.


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