
Thursday, 4 May 2017

2017-04 Favorite Postcards Received

My Postcrossing ranking for April 2017 as below:-

On 62nd most postcards sent from Malaysia
On 59th longest distance sent from Malaysia

K.Panda saw a series of postcard that she kept finding in my blog. Therefore she emailed me to ask for more information about the postcard. As the online shop which I bought this postcard was inactive so the information that I can provided was limited. In Postcrossing forum, she was been told that she can buy at a China website. As she want postcard in written and stamped so both of us exchange the postcards. Luckily I still did not finish using the postcard that she wants so can exchange with her.

My friend had sent me a postcard during her Perth trip. She and her friends were driving to travel around Perth. She told me that her favorite’s places are Busselton, Cowaramup, Margaret River and Augusta.  Hope I also have chance to go there for a visit.

I told Ryan about my dream and he wrote some words for me on the postcard.

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