
Monday, 24 April 2017

Hand Drawing Rooster & Poem Postcards 2016

Same as year 2015, I joined postcard design competition from Malaysia Stamp Club in year 2016. The themes are Rooster Year and 3rd Anniversary of Malaysia Stamp Club.

This is my hand drawing of Rooster Year postcard.

I want to try something special therefore I write a poem about 3rd Anniversary of Malaysia Stamp Club.

I sent my hand drawing (scan) and poem postcards to Ronald (person in charge).  When came to the day to open voting for all postcards which been submitted, I found out that my poem postcard was missing therefore I asked Ronald.

He thought that my poem postcard is an explanation therefore he did not put online for voting. After heard my explanation, finally he put my poem postcard for voting. Same as before, I did not win for the contest because it has many drawing experts. I just join for fun!

Unexpected was all the participants can get a stamp as a prize. I got 2 stamps as prizes because I submitted 2 postcards. 

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