
Thursday, 30 March 2017

Chap Goh Mei 2017- Part 2

 [Part 1]

Station 3

The decorations in this station are the most creative.

The body of this hen mostly made by sweets and some beans. Very creative right? I just wonder how to do it and taking how long to finish.

This was my first time to follow procession, make some notes for future reference.

1. Have a short nap or sleeping before the event- the event will last until 2pm.

2. The distance from one station to another station is very far so wearing a comfortable shoe for easy moving.

3. Eat first before the event so that have energy to walk for long hours unless you bring some biscuit.

4. Bring water bottle and put inside bag. When reach in temple, can look for toilet.

5. Some station has seat so sit at there to recharge your energy before go to next station. If not, the leg will super tired.

Station 4

Around 1pm, at here still have many people stay to see the Deities Parade. 

At here has many food stalls to sell food and drinks. It has a wishing and love corner which you can make a wish at there by writing it down.

At here, the decoration is almost the same with previous stations except it has 12 cakes of zodiacs. They are so cute!

The tower is made by lots of sweets. 

Others decoration in this station.

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