
Friday, 10 February 2017

2017-01 Favorite Songs by Postcard Senders

When played the songs from Youtube, it suddenly pops up a song of “Counting Stars” from OneRepublic. This is a happy song!
OneRepublic are an American rock band formed in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 2002 by lead vocalist Ryan Tedder and guitarist Zach Filkins- Wikipedia

Laurie from US likes the song of “Best of you” from Foo Fighters. Eh…same surname with me. Haha!
Foo Fighters is an American rock band, formed in Seattle, Washington in 1994. It was founded by Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl as a one-man project following the death of Kurt Cobain and the resulting dissolution of his previous band. The group got its name from the UFOs and various aerial phenomena that were reported by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II, which were known collectively as Foo Fighters- Wikipedia

Wouter likes the song of “California Dreaming” by The Mamas & the Papas.
The Mamas & the Papas was an American folk rock vocal group that recorded and performed from 1965 to 1968, reuniting briefly in 1971- Wikipedia

Raun from Czech Republic likes the song of “Amy” from Green Day. He said that he love guitar and this song. This song is so soft.
Green Day is an American punk rock band formed in 1986 by lead vocalist and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong and bassist Mike Dirnt- Wikipedia

Warsaw from Poland likes the song of “Love me again” from John Newman.

Know I’ve done wrong, left your heart torn
Is that what devils do?
Took you so long, where only fools gone
I shook the angel in you!
Now I’m rising from the crowd
Rising up to you!
Feel  with all the strength I found
There’s nothing I can’t do!
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
John William Peter Newman is an English singer, songwriter and record producer- Wikipedia

Thursday, 9 February 2017


“粉红鞋The Pink Shoes”不只是一双普通的鞋而是一个义工服务平台。这源自于创办人黄婉秋在印度加尔各达最大贫民窟分派鞋子时,她看见了穿上鞋子后的孩子的幸福神情。这让她下定决心要把更多的爱心及幸福带给世界各地有需要的人。在这次的筹集童装鞋中,婉秋对一双“粉红鞋”有一股莫名的好感所以就把它留下并暗自为自己许下承诺。这双粉红鞋的使命是“提醒我们还有许多贫民的孩子(弱势群体)等待着我们当爱的使者,把许多的爱传递送到他们手中"


我不曾当过义工所以对义工服务充满好奇。透过婉秋分享她在印度当义工的故事,我了解到当一名义工真的不简单像如到Daya Dan(稍长儿童启智中心)当义工的话,一般服务的项目有负责喂食、清洗衣物、晒衣、折衣到给孩子们唱歌、说话、换尿布和衣物或做一些简单的物理治疗动作而如到Prem Dan(老人慢性病中心)所 需要做的事有洗晒衣物,整理房间及为年迈的印度妇女按摩、涂指甲油、剪指甲等。看似简单的服务,一点都不简单因为少一份 耐心,爱心及细心都不能。

义工服务的项目的确很累人但当他们看到老人、小孩或病患的脸上露出笑容时也顿时忘记了身体上的累。婉秋提到在老人慢性病中心帮一名印度阿嫲按摩时,阿嫲用她那颤抖的手帮婉秋把T- 恤纽扣给扣上。阿嫲这小小的举动感动到了婉秋因为这是妈妈才会做的贴心小动作。我在想阿嫲应该已把婉秋当做她的孙女看待吧。这也可看到当你对某一个人好时,那人会感受的到及也会对你好,这也是所谓的良性循环。




Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Wordless Wednesday: A Kiss on Postcard 0023-0028

‘Wordless Wednesday: A Kiss on Postcard’ is my postcard project which collecting lip mark on postcard from all over the world. 

Seija (Finland)

Greta (Lithuania)
Alexandra (Russia)
Nathalie (France)

Monday, 6 February 2017

2017-01 Favorite Postcards Received

My Postcrossing ranking for January 2017 as below:-
On 62nd most postcards sent from Malaysia
On 60th longest distance sent from Malaysia

Amazin’graze sent its buyer a postcard which includes me. I quite often buy some healthy snacks from there especially has promotion.

The Santa Claus shape postcard is very cute! My friend bought it from Big Bad Wolf book fair.

This is DIY postcard which use recycles items. For postcard, it is not necessary to buy it. Sometime use recycle item like packaging box also ok but also depends receivers because some people dislike receive those types postcards.

A 14 years old girl sent me this postcard. It was quite some time which I did not receive self-drawing and coloring postcard. It is creative!

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Prizes/Samples Received 2017

This post is recording the samples and prizes that I get during the year. I will update it from time to time.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Wordless Wednesday: A Kiss on Postcard 0022

‘Wordless Wednesday: A Kiss on Postcard’ is my postcard project which collecting lip mark on postcard from all over the world. 

This is lip mark from Alicia (Nederland). So sweet of she to put on lipstick because of me.