
Tuesday, 10 January 2017

PostCare Calendar 2017

PostCare is a shop located in Sungei Wang Plaza in Kuala Lumpur. At there, you can write some postcards and send out. It has more than 100 varieties of postcard design available to choose and post.

This is the limited 2017 desktop calendar in celebration of 40 years with Sungei Wang. It featured PostCare’s character was being spotted by paparazzi having his own quality shopping time from getting inked like a man till grabbing all the toys like a little kid.

At one of the pages of calendar can cut down to post like postcard.

January to December 


  1. Thats a beautiful product, I would buy a few copies for myself.

    Its been a long time since my last postcard activity, I hope this year I can get active again. :)

    1. Dear Rungitom,

      Recently my postcard activity is getting less active compare with the first time I join Postcrossing because of busy but at least every month will send some postcards.

      To make it as a mission for the year sure you will get active soon!


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