
Friday, 30 September 2016

Seriously…I’m Kidding by Ellen Degeneres

Ellen Lee DeGeneras is an American comedian, television host, actress, writer and producer. She starred in the popular sitcom Ellen from 1994 to 1998 and has hosted her syndicated TV talk show, The Ellen DeGeneras Show since 2003- Wikipedia

This book is good to know more about Ellen Degeneres. She even shared her funny story which is intercom with her cat. Haha..

Anyway, I got on the intercom and I said, “Charlie, I’m home! Charlie!” and I hung up and I waited for Charlie to come running. I didn’t think anything of it until I looked over and Portia was starring at me.

She said, “Did you just intercom that cat?”

And I looked at her and I had no choice but to say, “Yes, I did just intercom the cat.”- Page 117

I like the way of Ellen Degeneres’s decision making. You also can try also.

Whenever I have to make an important decision. I like to make a list of pros and cons. That way I can see all the positives and negatives right there in front of me and I can decide what will work best for me- Page 105

Do you know what hobby can be eat? Haha..

I think it’s because gardening is a hobby you can eat. You plant some seeds, you water some soil, and in just a few short months, you’ve got yourself enough tomatoes to make a tiny salay- Page 178

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