
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Wordless Wednesday: The Story of a Kiss on Postcard

Beside “Wordless Wednesday: Postcard”, I started “Wordless Wednesday: A Kiss on Postcard”. I request a lip mark on postcard in Postcrossing and will post out when received it. During this project, I had been told by sender that she did not have lipstick so she cannot help. For me, it’s ok because it is not a compulsory.

 ‘Wordless Wednesday: A Kiss on Postcard’ is my postcard project which collecting lip mark on postcard from all over the world.

My very first lip mark postcard received from Ya Ching, author of “100 Kiss Paris”. I love her story of 100 kisses in Paris. Her lip mark is pretty too.

Beside received others’ lip mark postcard. In May 2016, I also sent out my kiss to Taiwan. Hehe..


  1. Cute cute! Missed reading ur posts.

    1. Gabriela,
      Long times did not heard from you too. Hope you are doing well.


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