
Monday, 4 July 2016

Melaka Trip 2016: Melaka River

22nd April 2016 (Friday)

Hotel Hong is very near with Melaka River. After checked in to hotel, we went out for sightseeing.

The Melaka River which flows through the middle of Melaka City in the Malaysian state of Melaka, was a vital trade route during the heyday of Melaka Sultanate in the 15th century.

Walk around 2 minutes from Hotel Hong, we spotted a red building with the words of “Melaka World Heritage City”.  Along Melaka River have few of bridges to go to another side.

We walked along Melaka River and took pictures of street art. The wall of shops and houses had painted with different murals. It is so beautiful.

The view from Melaka River is nice. Besides walking, you can rent bicycle to cycle along the river.

 After we walked for a while, we decided to cross the bridge to another side. At another side, when walked around, I spotted Bunga Raya popiah stall. Then I just knew that I was at Jalan Bunga Raya there. As the time we go there was still early so Longkang Siham stalls still did not open yet.

At the stall of popiah has a board stated that no photography around so I did not take picture of it. It is located just in front of Madam’s King Departmental Store. The different of Bunga raya popiah with normal popiah is it has pork lard.

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