
Friday, 1 April 2016

Princess with a Backpack by Lauren Resnick

This book is suitable for those wish to backpack especially girl because the author said that with backpack, we still can look gorgeous. In her book, author had sharing some travel tips such as advise take 2 credits cards which can place one in a secret compartment in backpack and another in a separate money belt, which carry all the times. That way if lost one or a bag was stolen, we would not be stranded without backup.

In packing tips, author had prepared a checklist what to bring for summer and winter session. It is very useful especially for those who did not have backpack experience before. She even given some beauty tips for female traveller so that looks good during travelling such as sea water is amazing for curls, just make sure you leave it to dry after being in the ocean. Don’t touches or it’ll go frizzy.

Inside the book, you can see some of author’s travel notes with her handwriting. I also will jot down my travel inside a notebook but always throws it away after record in blog because I usually write the main point. Hehe..

For those who are interested can take a look at the blog of  Princess with a Backpack.

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