
Monday, 25 April 2016

My Book Haul from Popular Online

Popular book store is quite famous in Malaysia as many places also have this book store but in my place did not have it therefore I always purchase book via online. In last year, Popular book store had organized a book fair at my place.

At early of the year, I had a 25% discount voucher by participating one of the events organized by Popular Online. This 25% discount voucher only applicable for one book with the highest price from your total purchases.

The postage for book as below:-

For East Malaysia who orders RM 100 and above can enjoy free postage. Besides that, for those come to book store to get the book also did not need to pay for shipping.

I had waited for around 1 month to receive my book because some of my books are not ready stock so need to wait for deliver from other places. The times I received the parcel, my books are nicely wrapped with bubble wrap inside a box. Beside books, I had received a pocket calendar.

DR. 小百合,今天也要坚强啊!催泪,爆笑,温馨,呆萌的医院实习生活

I was curious the life of doctor so I buy this book to know more.


The poem in this book is so special which a little bit different with what I learn before.


I like to know the healthy or long life secret of old people therefore this book is attracted my attention.


  1. Have a good reading! You may write a review on the books you bought. ;)

    1. Thanks and sure I will write a short review for those books :D


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