
Thursday, 21 April 2016

Little Kingdom

So far, this was my first time to purchase postcard which drawn by little artists. The little artists are Chang Xin Yue (10 years old) and Chang Xin Le (8 years old). Two of them like to draw and they even had their own art exhibition called “Little Kingdom Art Exhibition”.

Through the radio station, I knew about Little Kingdom and started to follow their fan page. After few days, they had released some items for sell such as stickers, calendar and postcards. To give them some support, I had purchased postcard from them. This fan page is handle by their parents. Now you can find their products at Etsy store.

When I received the postcard sets, it was well packed.

I had purchased one set of the postcard from each of them.  I also received two pieces of “Star Wars” stickers as freebies.

The cat postcard set draw by Xin Yue while Star War postcard set draw by Xin Le.

They are so talent because they already been using watercolor to draw something instead of color pencils. In my memory, I just started to use watercolor when I was at Secondary school. Although they drawing are not so perfect compare the real artist, I still can see their passion towards drawing and their drawing skill definitely will getting better after some practices.

 Like usual, I had made a small request for their mum to ask them to write something on postcard. As they are small and did not know what to write so I had changed to draw something on postcard for my own collection.

To have a clear view for the postcard, you can click the link as below:-

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