
Thursday, 28 April 2016

Flint and Steel Borneo: Kuching Postcards

The co-founders of Flint and Steel Borneo are Marilyn and Rachel Ang who maybe identical twin sisters but are in many ways different. A flint is a piece of chert, a form of quartz that will spark when struck with steel and is usually used to start a fire therefore “flint” and “steel” represents the co-founders. I like their quote which is “Be in Love with the things that make you different and believe in yourself boldly. They make you, YOU: your passions, your beliefs, your values and your story. That is your power.

Flint and Steel Borneo is selling mug, planner, postcards, notepad and many more. Look through the website of Flint and Steel, I had attracted with a series of Kuching postcards because it is so beautiful.

For your information that all the purchases in website is using USD instead of Ringgit and the payment can be done by PayPal, debit card and credit card. After I made an order of postcard and want to pay for it. I found out that the system did not allow me to proceed although I had tried for 2 debit cards. Then I had asked a help from Flint and Steel Borneo by email them.

I had been contacted by Rachel regarding my problem in payment and instead of waiting IT to troubleshoot the problem, she had asked me to bank in to her own bank account. I also had been told that a set of Kuching postcard which has 9 pieces and now only left 4 types of it and this series of postcard will not reproduce once it sold out. Then she will give me two sets of the 4 types of postcard to become 9 of them.

At the same time, I also won a giveaway from Flint and Steel Borneo towards World Autism Day Campaign to spread awareness and love for Autism. To participate for the giveaway, I just need to post a picture of anything blue in social media with hastag. Therefore prize and my purchase sent together to me.

Flint and Steel Borneo had collaborated with talented photographer friend Ben Lau to bring the very first of their Postcards from Kuching series. This collection features the must see places every tourist should hot up when in Kuching. I only have four types of postcards instead of nine different pieces of Kuching postcards. The 4 pieces are in black and white. Actually in a set of 9, some of postcards are in colorful. To have a clear view of postcard click here.

These are wristband and car sticker from EAP (Early Autism Project).

This is the desk monthly planner in the color “Deep Fishing” which suitable for writes down my schedule. The good for this desk planner is undated so I can start whenever I want. A pack has 12 designs which for 12 month.

Like usual, I will ask the seller or designer of postcard to write some words for me on postcard. They are so sweet that write on a new postcard which are not from my purchase’s postcard.

Flint and Steel Borneo

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