
Thursday, 11 February 2016

B’Nottee: Reunion Dinner Postcard Set

Last week, I just received my postcard set from B’Nottee. The story behind the name of B’Nottee is interesting which as below:-

B’Nottee (be-No-tee) is a name created from the words “Note” with the name “ee” at the back (Edmund and E-jie).It means someone who uses notebooks and sounds fun. Edmund and E-Jie are interior designers colleague base in Kuala Lumpur that love crafting and stationery. Thus they decided to create a band that make high quality handmade stationery products, ranging from notebooks, covers, pencil cases and bespoke wedding stationery.

The packaging envelope of this postcard set is beautiful with the meaning of reunion dinner with food.

Beside the 4 pieces of postcards, the package envelope also can be another postcard after cut out the four corners. It is very creative because usually we will throw away the envelope and now the packaging envelope can be postcard.

Before this I had bought 4 in 1 postcard from Jeffersonism. Now, B’Nottee also has 4 in 1 postcard for reunion dinner. It means that 4 pieces of postcard can be merging into a big and happy reunion dinner.

Beside 4 pieces of postcard can be merging, two postcards also can be merging, cool right! Hehe..

As this postcard set is for my own collection so I had asked for the designers to write something on the postcard. E-jie had tried watercolor drawing on the postcard and the outcome is very beautiful.

To have a clear view of the postcards, you can click the link as below:-

For those interested with this postcard set can purchase via B’Nottee’s website or shops as below:-

Website: B’Nottee
Facebook: B’Nottee

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