
Tuesday, 23 February 2016

2016-01 Favorite Songs by Postcard Senders

In this month, I just received two postcards which share with me about their favorite songs.

Katja from Russia likes the song of “Kerfank 1870” from Tri Yann.  She loves this song because of its historical plot and music genre. This song has a fast melody.
Tri Yann is a Breton band from Nantes, France who play folk rock music drawing on traditional Breton folk ballads- Wikipedia

Kristine also from Russia likes the song of “Mad World” by Gary Jules because this song describes her emotions and state of her mind. The music video is interesting because you can see ship, house, reindeer and many more which form by people.
Gary Jules Aguirre, Jr. known as Gary Jules is an American singer-songwriter, best known for his cover version of the Tears For Fears song “Mad World”, which he recorded with friend Michael Andrews for the film Donnie Darko- Wikipedia

As two songs were quite few so I added on one song from me which recently heard from radio station and reminded me of my University life. The song is “Touch My Hand” by David Archuleta.  
David James Archuleta is an American singer-songwriter, musician and actor- Wikipedia

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