
Monday, 18 January 2016

Exchange Christmas Gift with Carol 2015

In Christmas 2015, I had joined Christmas Exchange Gift Activity with Carol from Taiwan. This post was about the gift which I received.

Inside of envelope have many small gifts such as stickers, color papers, key chains and card holder.

Besides that, she made a handmade postcard to me. I like the ruler which easily for me to draw something in future.

She also gave me some washi tape sample which I usually use it to decorate postcard. She had written some words on a small card. 

The handmade massage card is so cute.


  1. hi, I'm fika. Thats for lot of info about postcard store corner. It help me a lot!! I'm always checking your blog to find new postcard store.Anyway, did you find any onlineshop that sell CNY postcard?

    1. Hi Fika,
      Thanks for visiting my blog. Recently I do buy CNY postcard from B’Nottee which I still wait for it.

      There have some Facebook page also selling CNY postcard but most of them are posted in Chinese but you can try to PM them to ask for it.
      3. Instagram: WIN_NI3


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