
Friday, 11 December 2015

Manila Trip 2015: Intramuros : Casa Manila

Casa Manila is a museum in Intramurous depricting colonial lifestyle during Spanish colonization of the Philippines. It is a copy of an 1850s San Nicolas House that was once located in Calle Jaboneros – Wikipedia

We did not visit Casa Manila Museum but we just walked around in Casa Manila. It is not allowed to take picture inside of Casa Manila Museum. You can get a free Intramurous map at entrance. 

It has a small garden which suitable for photo taking.

At here, as the guard was free so we asked to take picture with he.

Inside Casa Manila has a Souvenir Shop. In souvenir shop has sell postcard, notebook, stationery, decorations and may more.

Casa Manila is near with San Augustine Church which was our next destination.


  1. Love this post, Casa Manila Patio is also one of the most recognizable event venues in Manila :)


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