
Friday, 25 December 2015

Manila Food 2015: Jollibee

Jollibee is a Filipino multinational chain of fast food restaurants headquartered in Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines. It is an American-style fast food restaurant with Filipino influenced dishes specializing in burgers, spaghetti, chicken and some local Filipino dishes. It has branches in Brunei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, United States and Saudi Arab.

Jollibee is easily to recognized, when you see the largest bee mascot in a blazer, shirt and chef’s hat. Then you arrive at Jollibee.

In Jollibee, I can saw lots of Filipino local have their breakfast. Every time, I saw Jollibee is full of people.

I ordered for Spaghetti for 79 peso which included drinks. I dislike for the choices of drinks because all are cold drinks. If you want for hot drinks need extra order.

The portion for Spaghetti was not so many. Besides that, it has 3 pieces of small lumpiang (spring roll).

Same as many fast food restaurant, Jollibee also has delivery.

Jollibee Padre Faura
509 P.Faura St. Ermita, Manila
Website: Jollibee
Facebook: Jollibee

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