
Thursday, 5 November 2015

Wedding Postcard Project 2015

In last year, I had done for a postcard project named “My Birthday Postcard Project 2014”. In this year, I did not continued “Birthday Postcard Project” but I tried for something new which is “Wedding Postcard Project” for my friends.  

“Wedding Postcard Project” is gathering as many as wedding wish postcards from senders to my friend and her husband. Then all the postcards keep in a small file.

I started for this project in Facebook Postcard Group to exchange postcard with postcard sender who is interested take part of. The postcards offered by me as below:-

For sender who is interested to help me, they need to fill in some particulars in the G-Form. There have some feedbacks which I get from senders which as below:-

没有回片没关系~只是看你开活动就报了 XD
不用回片了 =) 算个小小惊喜

After gathering wedding wish postcards, it’s time for me to find a small file to fit in all postcards. I had bought a DVD file to put postcards because the postcards which I received all are not in same size and some postcards are too big. Therefore compare with normal postcard file, DVD file will be the best choice.

The cover of DVD file is so plain so I found some wedding related pictures to print and stick on it.I had written some words on owl postcard and mark their pre-wedding dinner on the postcard. Besides that, I had included my handmade angpow with money inside.

Beside from Facebook Group, when I purchased some postcards, I also request the illustrator to write some wedding wish on postcard so he/she need write 2 postcards, one for me and one for my friend.

Some postcard senders even made a wedding postcard for my friend. So sweet of them because they put some effort on it.

When I read the massage on the postcard, I feel touching with it although postcards are not for me. Some senders even write wedding advices for my friend.  Thanks a lot for their help for my project.

The day after my friend's pre-wedding dinner, I had received a WhatsApp from my friend and the content as below:-

Kien Mei, thanks so much for your gift! It is really special and we loved it. 

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