
Monday, 2 November 2015

Post Pals: Brightening the Lives of Sick Children

We know that sick is very suffering. I am not a doctor so I cannot help to reduce painful of those children. Therefore I used my way to make them happy which is sending a postcard.

Post Pals is a small charity run solely by volunteers who are dedicated to making seriously ill children and their siblings smile by the sending of cards, letters, little gifts, support and friendship. We support children aged 3 to 17 in the UK.

This charity had a little bit different with the previous that I joined because it can send to ill children’s siblings. For a family who has sick children, their siblings will feel that the important thing in their life had been stolen away such as the care from parents. Thus, Post Pals never forget about the brothers and sisters who are quietly and less obviously brave and coping with emotions and situations that would break most adults. To know more details for why this charity care about siblings, you can click here to read more.

How to send a Post?

1. Just go to “Find Pals” and read through the current children pages (included send post to some siblings of memorial Pals) and pick a child.

2. Send a cheerful card, letter or even a little gift to the child via the address on their page.

Note: The address given is not the child’s home address but a forwarding one. Please don’t expect a reply.

There have some guideline to writing post by Post Pals. On postcard you can write about yourself, your holiday, some jokes and many more.  If you don’t want to write so much can write like “just swimming by to say Hi”, if it’s a fish related card, “sending lots of smile across the miles”, "wishing a rainbow for you", "sending you sunny smiles", “wanted to roar a Hello” if it’s a lion card and lots of other short lines. 

Beside postcard or card, you also can send to them a little gift such as little bear, key ring, bracelet and many more.

Attention (Did not write the words or some related words as below)

1. “Get Well Soon”. It’s not such a good phrase if illness of child is never going to go away or worse still that will never get better.

2. “I hope you win your battle”. A lot of the children don’t know they could ‘lose their battle’ and others might not want to be reminded that they may not.

3. “I know how you feel”, have you been through the same thing as the child or parent? Even then everyone reacts and feels differently about thing.

4. “Poor you” empathy is good but sympathy isn’t generally wanted.

I had joined for this great activity to send 45 pieces of postcards to illness children include their siblings and hope will brighten their day. I did not know what to write about so I find some riddles for them. There are lots of riddles can find via online, the riddle that I choose was “Who am I?” series to let them have a guess. Hope they will get fun in guessing.

Send a post from Malaysia to United Kingdom taking around 11 days which I saw from Postcrossing so you also can send birthday gift to some children who birthday is near.

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